Cleaning agent for stable, household, and industryHygiene agentFor the high health and hygiene standards of our society detergents are indispensable. cdDes is a fast-acting detergent and hygiene agent without petrochemical ingredients. The mild composition enables thus gentle cleaning of everyday items. In a special electrolyte process, salt, water, and electricity are used to produce a highly effective detergent and hygienic agent, which after its cleaning action breaks down into its source materials, water and salt. cdDes contains no surfactants, no colorants and fragrances, no preservatives, and is fat- and oil-free.Range of uses:Wipeable surfaces of all kinds: tables, chairs, light switches, door handles, and similar contact surfacesCleaning of utensils, appliances, work tables, etc.Cleaning of objects that come into contact with animals: Transport containers, drinking bowls, pieces of furniture, brushes, etc.Cleaning of piping systems: Milking systems, drinking water systems, etc.Advantages:no by-product formation and residues, but disintegration into its natural source materials (water and salt) after the cleaning processno addition of chemicalsdermatologically testedshort contact timeseasy handlingComposition: sodium-containing, electrolytical-energetically treated waterApplication recommendation: spray affected areasQuantity applied: ca. 5 ml/m2. Up to 250 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 0.15 ml. From 500 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 1.3 ml.Store it cool and dark!
Feed material (powder, coarse) for ruminants and pigsFor feeding-related support of intestinal flora and rumen activity - protein sourceLinseed Expeller Grist is made from linseed using our gentle cold-pressing process and therefore contains a high proportion of residual oil. The natural properties of linseed are largely preserved by cold pressing, which means that linseed expeller can have a positive effect on rumen activity and digestion. Linseed expeller grist is rich in natural vitamin E, proteins (approx. 36%), fibers, and mucilage.Composition: 100% linseed cake (coarse ground) from 1. cold pressingAnalytical constituents: crude protein 36.0%, crude fat 8.0%, crude fiber 4.9%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Cattle/pigs: 0.5-2 kg/t feed. Calves: 8-10 g/animal. 1 tbsp corresponds to ca. 9 g.Store it cool and dry.
Mineral feed for pigs, bovine and poultryAn optimal supply of micronutrients leads to better feed utilization through metabolic optimizationIs the law of minimum insufficient realized there could develop deficit situations which can often lead to profit cuts. Similarly the whole organism of the animal can be stressed through an oversupply with synthetic additives and toxins (toxins of fungi). For counteract beginning problems like for example depressions in performing. MicroAgrar Universal was advanced off established cdVet products. MicroAgrar Universal provide an optimal supply with minerals, trace elements and selected herbs which support the physiological functions of the organs and metabolism processes. These are the precondition for a healthy life. What is important? - enhanced supply of micronutrients- Optimal mineral utilization- Binding of toxins- Better feed conversion by optimizing cellular ion exchange- Discharge of the detoxification organs by high availability of calcium and magnesium- 100% natural- Assists in performance depression and optimized metabolic processes- Less crude protein requirements by stimulation of protein metabolism = savings of protein carriers- Better stable air- Optimized joint and bone condition- Control of feed intakeComposition: maerl, seaweed meal, brewer´s yeast, grape pips meal, malt rootlets Additives per kg: technological additives: Bentonite 1m558i 630 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuffs from 20000 mg/kg complete feed.Analytical constituents and contents: crude protein 3.2%, crude fiber 2.5%, crude ash 75.9%, crude fat 0.4%, sodium 0.97%, calcium 6.9%, phosphorus 0.1%, magnesium 1.1%, potassium 0.7%, lysine 0.15%, methionine 0.06%, ash insoluble in HCl 52%Feeding recommendation: 5-10 kg per 1000 kg feed
PREMIXTURE for rabbits and poultryTo stimulate feed intake and nutritional support of respiratory sensitive animals.In nature, rabbits and poultry also take herbs and leaves, of which the contents are often rich in essential oils. Active substances contained in essential oils are particularly important for the condition of the respiratory tract, but also for digestion, and thus have a positive influence on the defenses.In nature the animals would take in the etherial oils needed with fresh plants. In the indoor housing of swine, poultry and calves this need is not or scarcely met. Etherial oils containing active ingredients are relevant especially for the condition of the respiratory system as well as the digestive system.Tip of an expert: priVet Bronchial can also improve the stable climate: put 10ml on a liter of water and spray in the stable.Composition: Flavouring agents whose addition to feed improves its smell or palatability: 800 g per kg. cCarrier: mono-and diacethyl tartaric acid of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids.How to use: 1 - 5 drops per liter of drinking water, 0.2 - 1ml per 10 liters of drinking water.The feed quantity can be increased up to twice the quantity according to the initial standard quantity in problem situations such as stress situations and weather changes. Feeding period: after the problem phase, continue feeding a few days to increase the constitution.Technical equipment must be suitable for the use of essential oils. This is the responsibility of the user and is at your own risk!
Liquid complementary feed for pigs, calves, donkeys, poultry and rabbitsFor the appropriate feeding in food-related digestive problems, e.g. bloating and gastrointestinal disorders - intestinal protection, vitalizing, supporting the defensesprivet GutClean is a purely natural food supplement to support the feed intake on digestive disorders and to support the natural intestinal flora. Indigestion, diarrhea and other intestinal problems are often the result of poor nutrition or a not intact intestinal flora.privet GutClean supplemented feeding, with herbs and vegetable extracts to compensate nutritional deficiencies in a natural way.Expert Tip: privet GutClean has proven itself particularly in the poultry and rabbit area as an optimal nutritional strengthening of the digestive tract with regard to worm and coccidia.Composition: Fruit vinegar, dextrose, elderberry juice, beetroot juice, fermented liquid, nettle extract, plantain extract, acerola.Additives per kg: Preservatives: lactic acid E 270 9400mg. Sensory additives: grapefruit seed extract 30000mg , origanum oil 8000mg, Ginkgo tincture 4982mg, artichoke ticture 2068mg, thyme tincture 1880mg, anise tincture 1880mg.Analytical constituents: crude oils and fats 0,2%, crude ash 0.4%, crude protein 0.3%, crude fibre 0.5%, sodium 0.02%, moisture <91%, lysine 0.10%, methionine 0.10%Feeding recommendation: daily over 14 days or longer if necessary: pig 1 - 10ml / animal, calf 5ml / animal, poultry, rabbit 5ml / liter drinking water, donkey 2 - 5ml
Complementary feed (liquid, fermented) for ruminants, donkeys, pigs, poultry, and rabbitsFeeding-related support of the intestinal flora and feed uptakeFor the manufacturing of priVet GutFlora wild and spice plants are fermented together in a natural process. In the fermentation process, probiotic microorganisms multiply and produce lactic acid, antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. Those have an influence on the ph-value and optimize the intestinal ambience.In a healthy gut, the balance of the intestinal flora is intact. Pathogenic bacteria thus do not find an ideal living basis and can develop only with great difficulty. Since a large part of the immune system is located in the intestine, an intact intestinal flora favors a well-functioning immune system.When is the feeding of priVet GutFlora particularly important:after dewormings, vaccinations, and antibiotic stress situationsduring breedingduring moultingpromotion of feed conversionsupport of the balance of the natural intestinal florastimulation of the natural immune systemComposition: stinging nettle, echinacea, hibiscus, oregano, peppermint, stevia, fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, marshmallow roots, thyme, Chinese rhubarb root, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, cowslip roots, aronia berries pomace, spiny restharrow roots, rosemary leaves, sunflower blossoms, rock salt, sugar cane molasses.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.2%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0%, crude ash 0%, moisture 98%, sodium 0.03%.Feeding recommendation: Calves: 10-20 ml/animal daily until milk weaning, then priVet Rumen Starter if necessary. Poultry/rabbits: 0.5-1 ml/kg feed daily spray fresh onto the feed or 2 ml/L drinking water. Pigs: 2-5 ml/animal daily. Piglets: 1-2 ml/animal daily. Alpaca/lama crias, sheep/goat lambs: 2-3 ml/animal daily. Donkeys: 25 ml/animal daily. Feeding duration should be 4-6 weeks. 10 drops correspond to approx. 0.3 ml.Protect from frost and heat! priVet GutFlora keeps only for 3 days, when it has been mixed into the feed!
Mineral complementary feed for animalsHigh-quality, bioavailable nutrient source with HuminoMin® complex, pelletsprivet HuminoMineral Pellets is a natural supplier of micronutrients consisting of sunflower seed expeller and the unique HuminoMin-Complex®. Sunflower seeds are naturally rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Particularly noteworthy is their high content of zinc and magnesium. They also contain a lot of folic acid as well as vitamin E, B vitamins, beta carotene, sulfur, potassium and selenium.Special feature of the HuminoMin® complex: Intestinal health and environmental conditions also play a role that should not be underestimated when it comes to the absorption and utilization of the required micronutrients. This is where the HuminoMin® complex comes in: Due to its elaborate composition, the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine are protected and supported in their function, which favors the absorption of necessary micronutrients.Due to the high toxin-binding properties of the HuminoMin® complex, toxins are already bound in the intestine and excreted via the feces. This reduces the burden on the organism because the toxins do not enter the blood, and organs and tissues remain protected. In addition, the HuminoMin complex supports the regulation of acid-base balance and is characterized by excellent cell-protecting antioxidant properties.HuminoMin® complex:mucosal protection for stomach and intestinetoxin binding in the intestineexcellent feed conversion - micronutrients are better absorbedcell protection through antioxidant propertiesregulation of acid-base balancesupport of the immune defense by balancing the lack of mineralsComposition: maerl, sunflower seed expeller 12.5%, malt rootlets, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), peatAdditives per kg: Technological additives: clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 20 gTotal quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents and levels: calcium 14.1%, phosphorus 0.36%, sodium 0.46%, magnesium 1.1%, potassium 0.8%, ash insoluble in HCl 6.0%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Cattle: 30-60 g/animal. Sheep, goats, alpacas, camels, donkeys, pigs: 10-20 g/animal. Poultry, rabbits: 10-15 g/kg feed.Store it cool and dry. Protect from direct sunlight.
Ergänzungsfuttermittel (Pulver) für GeflügelZur bedarfsgerechten Fütterung vor und während der Mauserprivet MauserMix besteht aus hochwertigen Zutaten, die viele der schwefelhaltigen Aminosäuren enthalten, die für die Stoffwechselvorgänge während der Mauser dringend benötigt werden. Die enthaltenen Kräuter können zusätzlich entschlackend wirken und die Regeneration der Leber unterstützen. privet MauserMix unterstützt auf natürliche Weise einen schnellen Mauserverlauf und einen optimalen Aufbau des neuen Gefieders.Expertentipp: privet MauserMix eignet sich auch zur Leberunterstützung nach einer Medikamentengabe. Auf Grund der entschlackenden Wirkung ist es vorteilhaft zeitgleich einen Mineralstoffgeber, wie z.B. privet HuminoMineral Pellets oder privet Mineral zu füttern.Zusammensetzung: Leinsamen, Biertreber, Bierhefe, Brennnesselkraut, Birkenblätter, Mariendistelkraut, Löwenzahnkraut, LöwenzahnwurzelAnalytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 23,7%, Rohfett 16,4%, Rohfaser 11,1%, Rohasche 8,8%, Natrium 0,10%, Kalzium 0,86%, Phosphor 0,52% Lysin 1,05%, Methionin 0,37%Fütterungsempfehlung: 7 g auf 1 kg Futter. Teezubereitung: 3-7 g auf 2 L heißes Wasser. 1 EL entspricht ca.5 g.
Mineral feed for pigs, ruminants, camels, alpacas, donkeys, rabbits and poultryDaily supply of minerals, trace elements and vitaminsLife presents new challenges to our animals every day. In times of growth, reproduction and rearing of young animals, it is clear to every owner that our standard feed is often not enough and our animals need additional support. However, even "everyday"-situations ruin the mineral household of our animals, e.g. Fur change, moulting, transport, stress. Therefore you should feed privet Mineral daily.privet Mineral consists of 100% natural ingredients. Because of the natural origin of the ingredients, the ingredients of privet Mineral are found where they are used in the cell and what is too much can be easily excreted - without unnecessarily burdening the metabolism of the animal. This is why privet Mineral can be used optimally for daily feeding.Possible consequences of trace element and micronutrient deficiency:- Scaly, dry skin- Lusterless fur / plumage- Developmental disorders in young animals- Degeneration of bones and joints- Weakened immune system- Stressfulness- Egg-bound, lack of shell strengthComposition: Maerl, brewer‘s yeast, malt rootles, algae, grape pips mealAnalytical constituents: Calcium 16.0%, magnesium 1.00%, phosphorus <0.25%, sodium 0.55%, ash insoluble in HCI 6.0%, lysine 0.46%, methionine 0.16%Feeding recommendation: Daily: cattle 25 - 50g / animal
Care product for animalsNourishes and soothes the skin, even when parasite infestationpriVet Mineral spray is a natural cleanser for itchy nuisances, dandruff-induced itching, wrinkled skin changes, dry skin parts and lusterless fur and plumage. priVet Mineral spray cleans naturally from the itching substances and nuisances. Due to the intensely caring properties of the oils contained, fur and plumage get more shine. Aloe Vera also has a soothing effect on the skin.Composition: Aqua, Aloe barbadensis, Melaleuca alternifolia Oil, Maris sal, Lavandula angustifolia, Leptospermum scoparium Oil, Geranium Oil, Polysorbate 20.How to use: Spray the affected areas and gently massage them if necessary.Due to the tea tree oil contained, the product should not be applied to cats.
Complementary feed (liquid) for poultryFor the support of a healthy gastrointestinal mucosa and intestinal activitypriVet Oregano Gut Elixir was specially designed for poultry and contains, in addition to essential oils of oregano, digestion-optimizing tannins. The digestive tract is supported by stimulating enzyme formation and improving feed conversion. Tannins, with their astringent properties, can help seal permeable intestinal mucosa and optimize fecal consistency.priVet Oregano Gut Elixir thus supports the condition of the intestinal flora in a nutrient-related way. A well-conditioned and immune-strengthened intestinal ambience makes it more difficult for endoparasites to settle in the intestine. This in turn also lowers the germ pressure in the stable, as fewer pathogenic germs are consequently excreted. Therefore, a healthy intestine is of particular importance for keeping animals healthy.stabilizes the intestinal floraimproves feed conversionoptimizes fecal consistencystrengthens the immune systemComposition: sodium chloride, dextroseAdditives/kg: Flavouring compounds: oregano oil 20 g, chestnut extract 45 g.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.4%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0.9%, crude ash 1.0%, moisture 90.0%, sodium 0.3%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Shake before use! 2 x daily 2-5 drops/L drinking water or 2-5 drops mixed with a little water/kg feed.Store it cool and dark!
Ergänzungsfuttermittel (Pulver) für Wiederkäuer, Kälber, Schweine und GeflügelErnährungsphysiologische Unterstützung der DarmfloraIn einem gesunden Darm ist das Gleichgewicht der Darmflora intakt. Pathogene Bakterien finden so keine ideale Lebensgrundlage und können sich nur sehr schwer entwickeln. Da ein Großteil des Immunysystems im Darm liegt, begünstigt eine intakte Darmflora ein gut funkionierendes Immunsystem.privet Prebiotic ist eine Futterergänzung mit einem speziellen Mineralkomplex, der toxinbindende Fähigkeiten besitzt. Es wurde gezielt für die besonders intensive, ernährungsphysiologische Unterstützung bei Verdauungsstörungen konzipiert. Aufgrund der Futterzusammensetzung kann es bei Mastgeflügel zu Verdauungsstörungen kommen, die sich z.B. in dünnflüssigem Kot andeuten. privet Prebiotic unterstützt den Darm besonders bei der Bindungskraft von Flüssigkeiten - wichtig bei Tieren, die zu Verdauungsstörungen neigen. Der Aufbau einer gesunden Darmflora ist unerlässlich für eine gesunde Jungtierentwicklung.Zusammensetzung: Leinkuchen, SchwarzkümmelkuchenZusatzstoffe/kg: Technologische Zusatzstoffe: Bentonit (1m558i) 100 g.Die Gesamtmenge an Bentonit darf den in Alleinfuttermitteln zulässigen Höchstgehalt von 20000 mg/kg Alleinfuttermittel nicht übersteigen.Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 15,5%, Rohfett 4,6%, Rohfaser 5,2%, Rohasche 16%, salzsäureunlösliche Asche 14%, Kalzium 0,61%, Phosphor 0,23%, Magnesium 0,38%, Natrium 0,27%, Lysin 0,59%, Methionin 0,26%Fütterungsempfehlung: Rinder/Schweine: 0,5-2 g/kg Futter. Geflügel: 1 g/kg Futter. Kälber: 5-20 g/Tier in die Milch einrühren. 1 EL entspricht ca. 3,5 g / 1 EL entspricht ca. 11 g.Die gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung von Makroliden ist zu vermeiden. Die gleichzeitige Verabreichung von Robenidin ist zu vermeiden. Die gleichzeitige Verabreichung von Kokzidiostatika außer Robenidin ist kontraindiziert bei einer Bentonit-Menge ab 5000 mg/kg Alleinfuttermittel.
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