25 Jahre cdVet - Blog
Welcome to cdVet's anniversary blog - we are celebrating 25 years of passion for natural animal health with YOU!
25 years of dedication, commitment and unconditional love for our animal companions is a reason to celebrate. And that's why we're taking you on a journey through a quarter of a century that began with the vision of improving the quality of life of our four- and two-legged friends. Since our foundation in 1999, Clemens Dingmann has been consistently committed to an optimal supply of minerals in animal nutrition, sustainable agriculture and conscious animal health. Celebrate this special event with us and immerse yourself in a multifaceted review of our 25-year company history. You can expect exciting interviews with our founder, who will give you exclusive insights into the development and philosophy of cdVet.
In the world of animal health, diversity is not just a concept, but a best practice. At cdVet, we have been innovating and providing different options to meet the diverse needs of our customers for 25 years. In this blog post, we would like to focus on the topic of defense concentrate and the use of tea tree oil. In the past, tea tree oil was considered a trend and was widely used in various areas. However, as is the case with trends, critical voices also emerged over time, claiming that tea tree oil could be harmful. As a result, we at cdVet decided to replace the defense concentrate with the Zeckex SpotOn in order to appeal to customers without a preference for tea tree oil. Despite this decision, the repellent concentrate still has a loyal following. Its effectiveness and the rare skin problems associated with it make it a popular choice. Only some sensitive people occasionally react to tea tree oil. For them, we have developed alternatives such as the Defense Concentrate Mild or the Zeckex SpotOn. Although these products are just as effective, they have a more intense smell. The decision not to use tea tree oil in some products is based on marketing considerations. Some customers preferred products without tea tree oil and we wanted to respect their preferences. But there are also grateful regular customers who appreciate the defense concentrate and never want to do without it. cdVet's philosophy is to deliberately offer at least two different solutions for important issues. This variety allows our customers to choose the option that suits them best. Although we recommend a main solution in the main communication, alternatives such as the Mild Defense Concentrate or the Zeckex Spot On are always available. This philosophy has been in place for around 15 years and drives us to continually develop innovative products while maintaining tried and tested options. Overall, we are proud to be active in the field of animal health and to offer our customers a wide range of options. Our goal is to create effective solutions, promote progress and maintain diversity in the product range. At cdVet, it's not just about products, but also about the satisfaction and well-being of our customers and their animals.

At cdVet, the focus is on one of the central products: MicroMineral. But MicroMineral is more than just a product - it is a well thought-out concept that has played an important role in the field of trace and micronutrient supply since its introduction in 1999. The idea behind MicroMineral is to provide targeted coverage in the area of trace and micronutrients in order to prevent possible deficiency symptoms. In the world of animal health, normal minerals such as calcium or phosphorus are important, but the situation becomes more complex when synthetic substances are added. cdVet looks at the science and finds that new knowledge is constantly emerging about which nutrients are needed and in what form. This makes it clear that chemical additives cannot always replace natural substances. The analogy with the apple illustrates this point perfectly: you cannot make an apple from malic acid, and yet the apple has specific effects, flavors and functions that cannot be achieved by consuming malic acid in isolation. The basic rule that cdVet follows in nutrition comes from Justus von Liebig: the nutrient that is deficient is the limiting factor. This principle explains why the body can produce fewer cells, immune systems and hormones if there is an insufficient supply of nutrients. MicroMineral was developed 25 years ago with the aim of broadly safeguarding nutrition and covering all possible deficiencies in the area of trace and micronutrients. The successes speak for themselves: MicroMineral shows rapid effects, especially for coat and skin problems. But the benefits extend far beyond this, from fertility and milk yield to the life expectancy of the animals. Customers who have been using MicroMineral for years report longer animal lives and improved quality of life. cdVet goes one step further and integrates MicroMineral into advanced products such as HuminoMineral. These innovations offer additional functions to do justice to the biological context. MicroMineral has also found its way into the agricultural sector and is also suitable for organic farming. cdVet remains true to its basic principles: nutrition should be designed in such a way that sufficient nutrients are available for all important functions in the body to ensure health and vitality. For 25 years, cdVet has been helping to make nutrition healthier and safer.
Following the groundbreaking success of MicroMineral at cdVet, another key product moves into the spotlight: SwineFit, item number 2. While the range has expanded over the years, SwineFit retains its central importance and lays the foundation for further product developments. SwineFit is a product based on apple cider vinegar, beet, lactic acid and herbal extracts. These carefully selected ingredients not only aid digestion, but also support the metabolism and general vitality of the animals. The combination of these elements aims to bring the entire organism into balance. The idea behind SwineFit is to relieve the metabolism and stabilize digestion. In combination with an already good supply of micronutrients, important pre- and probiotic properties are created in the product. This leads to stable digestive processes in the animals and offers enormous health benefits. The successful application of SwineFit in the pig sector has led to the concept being transferred to other animal species. In the horse sector, HorseVital was created, which was further developed with additional herbs and targeted metabolic detoxification. The effectiveness of this product is particularly evident in summer horses with special needs. In the case of cows, the aim is to produce more milk with the same feed or to require less feed for the same amount of milk. This has a positive effect on the life expectancy of the animals and contributes to their long-term vitality. In the dog sector, DogFit was introduced, a product specially tailored to the needs of dogs. DogFit ensures that animals are fitter and that their coat, condition and digestion improve. The combination of MicroMineral and DogFit is reflected in faster shedding, better health and fewer problems, even when rearing young animals. The evolution of animal health at cdVet is reflected in the continuous development of products based on proven principles. SwineFit, KuhVital and DogFit are not just products, but milestones on the way to comprehensive and sustainable animal health.

In the world of pets, especially dogs, protection against ticks and other parasites is of central importance. A true classic that has been tried and tested for 25 years is cdVet's repellent concentrate. This product was not only created to repel ticks, but also to build up a preventative protective shield. The defense concentrate contains ingredients such as tea tree oil, jojoba oil and herbal extracts, which are easily distributed under the skin. When applied to the ear cone, these substances enter the body via the lymphatic system and develop their effect there. The deterrent effect on ticks is particularly powerful. An interesting side effect is that fleas and other parasites do not like the product either and appear to be almost dried out on contact. The application of the repellent concentrate is simple and effective. It is applied to the skin and the active ingredients it contains ensure that ticks withdraw their biting tools and do not harm the animal. Unlike other methods, the repellent concentrate leaves no wounds or red marks as tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, cleansing and conditioning properties. The repellent concentrate has established itself as a classic over the years and is also known as "tick liquid tick forceps". The tick is simply sprinkled with a few drops of the concentrate, withdraws its biting tool and the tick can be easily removed. Thanks to the nourishing extracts it contains, the repellent concentrate leaves no damage behind. Although spot-on products are now also available, the repellent concentrate has retained its firm place in the cdVet range. Customers value the many years of experience and effectiveness of the product, which has established itself as reliable tick protection for dogs. Even if there has been little advertising for it in recent years, the repellent concentrate remains a firm favorite for dog owners who rely on tried and tested methods.
In the age of tea tree oil hype and diverse opinions on its use, cdVet has taken a clear position. Especially in connection with the popular defense concentrate, which has gained a loyal following due to its effectiveness and tolerability. Originally, tea tree oil was used as part of the defense concentrate. However, this changed as the trend changed and stories emerged about possible harm from tea tree oil. For this reason, cdVet decided to replace the defense concentrate with the tea tree oil-free SpotOn to appeal to customers without a preference for tea tree oil. The decision to eliminate tea tree oil in some areas was based on marketing considerations and the desire to offer customer options. Some customers preferred products without tea tree oil, which led to the introduction of alternatives such as the mild defense concentrate or the SpotOn purpose. These products also proved to be highly effective, although with a slightly more intense scent. Despite the decision to replace tea tree oil in some products, the defense concentrate remained extremely popular due to its effectiveness and the rare skin problems associated with it. Very few people are sensitive to tea tree oil, and cdVet continues to offer alternatives for these customers. cdVet's philosophy is to consciously offer at least two different solutions for important issues. This strategy allows customers to choose between different options to find the solution that best suits them. This approach has proven successful over the last 15 years and has resulted in cdVet continually developing innovative products while maintaining proven options. Overall, cdVet is proud to have been in the animal health field for 25 years, offering innovative solutions and presenting customers with a variety of options. The evolution of the products reflects continuous adaptation to customer needs and advances in animal health.