Feed material (powder, coarse) for ruminants and pigsFor feeding-related support of intestinal flora and rumen activity - protein sourceLinseed Expeller Grist is made from linseed using our gentle cold-pressing process and therefore contains a high proportion of residual oil. The natural properties of linseed are largely preserved by cold pressing, which means that linseed expeller can have a positive effect on rumen activity and digestion. Linseed expeller grist is rich in natural vitamin E, proteins (approx. 36%), fibers, and mucilage.Composition: 100% linseed cake (coarse ground) from 1. cold pressingAnalytical constituents: crude protein 36.0%, crude fat 8.0%, crude fiber 4.9%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Cattle/pigs: 0.5-2 kg/t feed. Calves: 8-10 g/animal. 1 tbsp corresponds to ca. 9 g.Store it cool and dry.
<div>Multidoser S</div><div> </div><div>length of cannula socket 2cm, with closing cap. For the amount of 0,5 up to 3,0ml</div><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p>
Complementary feed for ruminants, calves, pigs, and poultryNutritional-physiological support of the intestinal flora, powderIn a healthy intestine the balance of the intestinal flora is intact. Pathogenic bacteria thus do not find an ideal basis for life and can only develop with great difficulty. Since a large part of the immune system is located in the intestine, an intact intestinal flora favors a well-functioning immune system.PhytoStart Prebiotic is a feed complement with a special mineral complex that has toxin-binding properties. It was specifically designed for particularly intense, nutritional-physiological support in digestive disorders. Due to the feed composition, fattening poultry may suffer from digestive disorders, which are indicated by thin feces, for example. PhytoStart Prebiotic supports the intestine especially in the binding power of liquids - important for animals prone to indigestion. The development of a healthy intestinal flora is essential for a healthy development of young animals.A healthy intestinal flora signifies:optimal feed uptake and conversionsuppression of harmful germslower ammonia pollution in the stablemore stable animal population in terms of health, less frail calves and pigletssuitable for mixing into the feed via the medication doser for powderProven product in turkey fattening !Composition: linseed expeller, black cumin seed expellerAdditives per kg: technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 100 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Analytical constituents: crude protein 15.5%, crude fat 4.6%, crude fiber 5.2%, crude ash 16%, ash insoluble in HCl 14%, lysine 0.59%, methionine 0.26%, sodium 0.27%, magnesium 0.38%, calcium 0.61%, phosphor 0.23%Feeding recommendation: Cattle/pigs: 0,5-2 kg/t feed. Poultry: 1 kg/t feed. Calves: stir 5-20 g/calf into the milk. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 11 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.
Complementary (liquid) feed for pigs and poultryStimulation of feed intake in livestock sensitive to the respiratory tractThe respiratory tract is where most farms have the greatest performance reserves. Optimal respiratory condition and thus optimized respiration have a positive influence on feed conversion and intake. With optimal respiratory condition, the susceptibility to respiratory infections is low.In nature, the animal would absorb essential oils via the fresh plants. This is hardly guaranteed in the stable keeping of ruminants, calves and pigs. The active substances contained in the essential oils are important for the condition of the respiratory tract and also for digestion. In particular, the cleaning of the respiratory tract is especially important in relation to the high germ and dust load in the stables. TurboBronchial is a matter of course in performance assurance for many farms. It can be used throughout the entire fattening period.Tailored to the different needs of the feeding method, you will find TurboBronchial in different variants:TurboBronchial (concentrate)TurboBronchial PowderTurboBronchial Drinking Water SGTurboBronchial LiquidComposition: dextrose, sodium chlorideAdditives/kg: Flavouring compounds: chestnut extract 150 g, eucalyptus oil 95.2 g, thyme oil 8.5 g, camphor oil (2b130-eo) 3.4 g.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.4%, crude fat 0.9%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude ash 1.8%, moisture 61.0%, sodium 0.39%, lysine 0.02%, methionine 0.03%Feeding recommendation: Shake well before use! Stir the amount to be fed well in a container with water and add it to the drinking water system. Feed from the 3. day until slaughter. Pigs: 60-150 ml/1000 L drinking water. Poultry: 50-150 ml/1000 L drinking water. The feeding quantity can be increased by up to 50% in special situations. such as stabling, stress, and weather changes.Clean the drinking water system before use! The suitability of the technical equipment for the application of TurboBronchial Drinking Water SG is the responsibility of the user, and the use is therefore at the user‘s own risk!
Spezialprodukt (Flüssigkeit)Natürlicher Luftverbesserer auf der Basis von ausgewählten ätherischen ÖlenTurboBronchial LuftRein ist ein natürlicher Luftverbesserer zur Vernebelung auf Basis von ausgewählten ätherischen Ölen. Im Bereich Atemwege stecken bei den meisten Betrieben die größten Leistungsreserven. Bei optimaler Atemwegskondition ist die Anfälligkeit für Atemwegsinfektionen gering. Die in den ätherischen Ölen enthaltenen Wirkstoffe sind für die Kondition der Atemwege von Bedeutung.Insbesondere die Reinigung der Atemwege ist in Bezug auf die hohe Keim- und Staubbelastung in den Ställen besonders wichtig. Bei regelmäßiger Anwendung kann die Stallluft durch Ammoniakbindung und Keimdrucksenkung verbessert werden. Die Temperatur im Stall kann durch die ätherischen Öle in dem mit TurboBronial LuftRein angereicherten Wassergemisch gesenkt werden. Bindung von Ammoniak in der LuftSenkung des Keimdruckes in der LuftSenkung der StalltemperaturVerbesserung des StallluftWohltuende ätherische Öle geben der Stallluft ein atemwegsfreundliches Klima Anwendungsempfehlung: 20-70 ml/1000 L Wasser. Je nach Bedarf 1-2 x täglich vernebeln. 1 L Lösung reicht für ca. 50-150 m² Stallfläche. Der tatsächliche Aufwand ist abhängig von der Stallbegebenheit, sowie der verwendeten Vernebelungstechnik. Bei professioneller Verneblungstechnik sind erheblich geringere Aufwandsmengen je Verneblung möglich. Für die Eignung der technischen Anlagen zur Ausbringung von TurboBronchial LuftRein ist der Anwender verantwortlich und geschieht somit auf eigene Gefahr! Spülen Sie das Vernebelungssystem nach dem Gebrauch mit Wasser durch!GEFAHR • Enthält Cineol, (E)-Anethol, Limonen, Thymol, (+)-Bornan-2-on. Flüssigkeit und Dampf entzündbar. Kann bei Verschlucken und Eindringen in die Atemwege tödlich sein. Verursacht Hautreizungen. Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen. Verursacht schwere Augenschäden. Giftig für Wasserorganismen, mit langfristiger Wirkung. Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. Von Hitze, heißen Oberflächen, Funken, offenen Flammen sowie anderen Zündquellenarten fernhalten. Nicht rauchen. Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/Gesichtsschutz tragen. BEI VERSCHLUCKEN: Sofort GIFTINFORMATIONSZENTRUM/Arzt anrufen. KEIN Erbrechen herbeiführen. BEI BERÜHRUNG MIT DER HAUT: Mit viel Wasser und Seife waschen. BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN: Einige Minuten lang behutsam mit Wasserspülen. Eventuell vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen. Sofort GIFTINFORMATIONSZENTRUM/Arzt anrufen. Bei Hautreizung oder –ausschlag: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen. Kontaminierte Kleidung ausziehen und vor erneutem Tragen waschen. Verschüttete Mengen aufnehmen. Inhalt/Behälter der Problemabfallentsorgung zuführen.
Complementary feed (liquid) for pigs and poultryStimulation of feed intake in livestock sensitive to the respiratory tractThe respiratory tract is where most farms have the greatest performance reserves. Optimal respiratory condition and thus optimized respiration have a positive influence on feed conversion and intake. With optimal respiratory condition, the susceptibility to respiratory infections is low.In nature, the animal would absorb essential oils via the fresh plants. This is hardly guaranteed when pigs and poultry are kept in stables. The active substances contained in the essential oils are important for the condition of the respiratory tract and also for digestion. In particular, the cleaning of the respiratory tract is especially important in relation to the high germ and dust load in the stables. TurboBronchial is a matter of course in performance assurance for many farms. It can be used throughout the entire fattening period.Tailored to the different needs of the feeding method, you will find TurboBronchial in different variants:…•…TurboBronchial (concentrate)…•…TurboBronchial Powder…•…TurboBronchial Drinking Water SG…•…TurboBronchial Plus…•…TurboBronchial LiquidComposition: dextrose, sodium chlorideAdditives/kg: Flavouring compounds: eucalyptus oil 74.2 g, camphor oil (2b130-eo) 2.8 g.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.0%, crude fat 0.0%, crude fiber 0.5%, crude ash 1.9%, moisture 90%, sodium 0.6%, lysine 0.0%, methionine 0.0%Feeding recommendation: Shake well before use! 40-100 ml/1000 L of drinking water. The feeding quantity can be increased by up to 50% in special situations. such as stabling, stress, and weather changes.Clean the drinking water system before use! The suitability of the technical equipment for the application of TurboBronchial Drinking Water Plus is the responsibility of the user, and the use is therefore at the user‘s own risk!
PREMIXTURE (powder) for ruminants, calves, and pigsFor nutrition-related support of the respiratory tract condition and stimulation of feed intakeThe respiratory tract is where most farms have the greatest performance reserves. Optimal respiratory condition and thus optimized respiration have a positive influence on feed conversion and intake. With optimal respiratory condition, the susceptibility to respiratory infections is low.In nature, the animal would absorb essential oils via the fresh plants. This is hardly guaranteed in the stable keeping of ruminants, calves and pigs. The active substances contained in the essential oils are important for the condition of the respiratory tract and also for digestion. In particular, the cleaning of the respiratory tract is especially important in relation to the high germ and dust load in the stables. TurboBronchial Powder is a matter of course in performance assurance for many farms. It can be used throughout the entire fattening period.Tailored to the different needs of the feeding method, you will find TurboBronchial Powder in different variants:TurboBronchial (liquid - concentrate)TurboBronchial PowderTurboBronchial Drinking Water SGTurboBronchial LiquidFlavouring compounds: mixture of flavouring compounds 98 g/kg, camphor oil (2b130-eo) 2 g/kg. Vitamins: vitamin C 20 g/kg. Carriers: thyme.Directions for use: Mix into the feed daily. Calves: ca. 5 g/animal or 500-700 g/t feed. Rumiants/pigs: 500-700 g/t feed. The feeding quantity may be increased as required in special situations, such as stabling, stress, and weather changes.
1.5 Kilogramm
(€27.82* / 1 Kilogramm)
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