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Aktions-Bundle PET "Fellwechsel"


Product information "Aktions-Bundle PET "Fellwechsel""


Application "Aktions-Bundle PET "Fellwechsel""
Fell & Haut Vital Fütterungsempfehlung: Katzen & kleine Hunde bis 5kg: 3g, Hunde bis 10kg: 5g, Hunde bis 25kg: 10g, Hunde bis 35kg: 15g, Hunde bis 60kg: 25g über mindestens 3 Monate 1 mal täglich zum Futter geben 1 gestrichener 1,6ml Messlöffel entspricht ca. 1g Die Gesamtmenge an Bentonit darf den in Alleinfuttermitteln zulässigen Höchstgehalt von 20000mg/kg Alleinfuttermittel nicht übersteigen. Bio Fell & Haut Vital Öl Fütterungsempfehlung: täglich 4 - 12 Tropfen, je nach Körpergewicht
Tab 2 headline "Aktions-Bundle PET "Fellwechsel""
Fell & Haut Vital Zusammensetzung: Algenkalk, Bierhefe, Malzkeime, Brennnessel, wildes Stiefmütterchen, Mariendistel, Queckenwurzel, Algen, Traubenkerne extrahiert, Ginkgo, Schwarzkümmelsamen, Sanddornbeeren, Spirulina Bio Fell & Haut Vital Öl Zusammensetzung: Bio-Hanföl, Bio-Nachtkerzenöl, Bio-Arganöl kaltgepresst aus KbA Öko Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-001 EU und Nicht EU Landwirtschaft Fell & Haut Mineralspray Zusammensetzung: Aqua, Aloe barbadensis, Melaleuca alternifolia Oil, Maris sal, Lavandula angustifolia, Leptospermum scoparium Oil, Geranium Oil, Polysorbate 20 Fell & Haut Vital Zusatzstoffe je kg: technologische Zusatzstoffe: Bentonit 1m558i 40g Fell & Haut Vital Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte: Rohprotein 13,6%, Rohfett 3,3%, Rohfaser 11,7%, Rohasche 29,3%, Calcium 7,01%, Phosphor 0,29%, 0,32%, salzsäureunlösliche Asche 8,5% Bio Fell & Haut Vital Öl Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte: Rohprotein < 0,3%, Rohfett 99,6%, Rohfaser < 0,5%, Rohasche < 0,4%

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GutActive Dog & Cat 250 ml
GutActive Dog & Cat 250 ml
Complementary feed (liquid, fermented) for dogs and catsFor the nutrition-related support of the intestinal floraFor the production of GutActive, wild and spice plants are fermented together in a natural process. During this fermentation, the probiotic microorganisms multiply, producing the substances that are so valuable to us, such as lactic acid, antioxidants, enzymes and vitamins. This special mixture of valuable lactic acid bacteria and co., can regulate the pH in the digestive tract, the development of pathogenic bacteria is naturally reduced. This makes GutActive to a holistic product in which all components complement and work together.The fermented herbs in the GutActive support the balance of the intestinal flora and the entire microbiological situation. This promotes physiological digestion and stimulates the natural immune system.- Milk-free and therefore very well suited for milk intolerance.- Sugar-free and therefore also suitable for diabetics. During the fermentation process, the lactic acid bacteria multiply by breaking down the sugars and turning them into lactic and acetic acid. Only when the sugars are completely degraded, the fermentation process is complete.- Contains no alcohol.- The herbs contained are no longer available in the original form after fermentation and are thus compatible homeopathy and usually easily tolerated.Expert tip: Before the first feeding GutClean is recommended!Composition: stinging nettle, echinacea, hibiscus, oregano, peppermint, fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, marshmallow roots, thyme, Chinese rhubarb root, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, cowslip roots, aronia berries pomace, spiny restharrow roots, rosemary leaves, sunflower blossoms, rock salt, sugar cane molassesAnalytical constituents: crude protein 0.2%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0%, crude ash 0%, moisture 98.3%, sodium 0.031%Feeding recommendation: Add 1.5-2 ml/5 kg body weight to the feed 1 x daily for at least 4-6 weeks. Thereafter, regular feeding is recommended 1-2 x a week or as required.Store it cool and dark, protect from frost!

Content: 0.25 Liter (€67.80* / 1 Liter)

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