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- Advantages
- Natürliches Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Nager zur ernährungsbedingten Unterstützung der Atemwegsfunktion
- Zur Versorgung des Tieres mit wichtigen Vitaminen, Spurenelementen, Aminosäuren und ausgesuchten Kräutern
- Ätherische Öle aus Thymian, Anis, Spitzwegerich und Salbei können den Selbstreinigungsmechanismus der Bronchien anregen
- Bewährte Rezeptur - von Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern empfohlen
- Deutsches Qualitätsprodukt direkt vom Hersteller mit 100% natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen
Product information "BronchialVital Rodent 10 ml"
Complementary feed (liquid) for rodents
Nutrition-related support of the self-cleaning mechanism of the bronchi
The mucus-forming ingredients of BronchialVital Rodent protectively cover the affected respiratory tracts and support the body‘s own defense mechanisms. At the same time, the irritation of the cough is soothed and reduced. In addition, the essential oils contained in the herbs and the pure honey ensure a gentle dissolution of stuck mucus, make it difficult for pathogenic bacteria to settle there, and thus facilitate the natural process of coughing up.
The contained honey also stimulates the appetite and provides the animal with energy. BronchialVital Rodent is tolerated by animals of all ages and can be mixed into the food without any problems due to its high acceptance.
Composition: blossom honey 15%, elderberry juice, thyme leaves and blossoms, fennel seeds, sage leaves, anise seeds, linden tree blossoms, lungwort, cowslip blossoms, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice roots, eucalptus leaves
Additives/kg: Preservatives: lactic acid* (1a270) 9.5 g. Flavouring compounds: ethanol (2b02078) 58.1 g.
*The simultaneous use of different or ganic acids or their salts is contraindi cated where one or more of them is used at or near the maximum permitted content.
Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.3%, crude fiber 0.5%, crude ash 0.4%, crude fat 0.2%, moisture 85%
Feeding recommendation: Shake before use. Daily for at least 14 days 1-3 ml/L drinking water or 2-5 drops/50 ml drinking water. 10 drops correspond to ca. 0.3 ml.

Nager & Co.
Whether flying, crawling or swimming - cdVet has a variety of support to offer even for the smallest animals, which have a positive effect on their well-being. Whether birds, rodents, reptiles or fish: to support the health of pets, cdVet has the right nutrition and care concept for every animal.