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COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil 500 ml


Product information "COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil 500 ml"

Complementary feed for pigeons

Basic feeding oil, source of energy

COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil is a blend of high-quality, cold-pressed plant oils. It contains, among other things, a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. alpha-linolenic acid), which are essential fatty acids and perform important tasks in the metabolism and in the area of oxygen supply to the muscles.

Thereby, the regeneration of the pigeons is accelerated, and the muscles are protected from overacidification and cramps. At the same time, COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil is a highly concentrated source of energy and supplier of important vital substances that should neither be absent in the breeding nor on the voyage.

Composition: linseed oil, evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil, argan oil

Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 0.1%, crude fat 99.6%, crude fiber 0.1%, crude ash 0.2%, methionine 0,0%, lysine 0,0%

Feeding recommendation: depending upon requirement of performance, add 2.5-10 ml per 100 g of feed. Before travelling, add it to the last 3 feedings.

After opening, keep refrigerated and dark and use within 6 weeks!

Application "COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil 500 ml"
Fütterungsempfehlung: Je nach Leistungsbedarf 2,5-10 ml/1000 g Futter zugeben. Vor der Reise zu den letzten 3 Fütterungen geben. Nach dem Öffnen gekühlt und dunkel aufbewahren und innerhalb von 6 Wochen verbrauchen!
Tab 2 headline "COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil 500 ml"
Zusammensetzung: Leinöl, Nachtkerzenöl, Weizenkeimöl, Kürbiskernöl, Arganöl Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 0,1%, Rohfett 99,6%, Rohfaser 0,1%, Rohasche 0,2%, Methionin 0,0% Lysin 0,0%


Pigeon racing and breeding place high demands on the constitution and condition of our pigeons. COLUMBAVet offers pigeon lovers high-quality natural products that naturally strengthen the health and performance of your pigeons.

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