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Product information "COLUMBAVet Vital"

Complementary feed (liquide) for pigeons

Feeding-related, long-term support of liver and kidney function

COLUMBAVet Vital is a unique combination of herbs, fruit, and vegetable. Due to the optimal combination of the ingredients, COLUMBAVet Vital contains many vitamins, minerals, and secondary plant substances, which both support the condition of the digestive organs and are also particularly important for supplying the detoxification organs. Optimal condition of detoxification and digestive organs is the most important prerequisite for all metabolic processes and the condition of skin and feathers.

In addition, COLUMBAVet Vital contains a large number of natural plant substances that support the immune system and can ensure shiny and healthy plumage. Therefore, it is recommendable to feed COLUMBAVet Vital over a longer period of time before breeding, traveling and moulting, because only an optimally cared for and healthy animal achieves top performance.


  • supports liver and the immune system

  • increases the condition of your carrier pigeon and breeding dove

  • promotes a rapid regeneration after the flight

  • promotes a shiny and healthy plumage and supports pigmentation

Composition: fruit vinegar, elderberry juice, beetroot juice, dextrose, ferment cereal liquid, acerola cherry pulp, gingko leaves, stinging nettle herb, artichoke leaves, ribwort plantain leaves, anise seeds, thyme, purple coneflower herb, St. John‘s wort

Additives/kg: Preservatives: lactic acid* (1a270) 2 g. Flavouring compounds: ethanol 7.94 g.

*The simultaneous use of different or ganic acids or their salts is contraindi cated where one or more of them is used at or near the maximum permitted content.

Analytical constituents: crude protein 1.0%, crude fiber 1.75%, crude fat 0.8%, crude ash 1.5%, moisture 93%, sodium 0.2%, lysine 0.1%, methionine 0.1%

Feeding recommendation: Before travelling and breeding, add 2-3 ml/kg complete feed or 2 ml/L drinking water daily for at least 6 weeks. During travel and breeding, add at least 2-3 x a week 2-3 ml/kg complete feed or 2 ml/L drinking water.

Application "COLUMBAVet Vital"
Fütterungsempfehlung: Vor Reise und Zucht über mindestens 6 Wochen täglich 2-3 ml/kg Alleinfuttermittel oder 2 ml/L Trinkwasser zusetzen. Während Reise und Zucht mind. 2-3 x pro Woche täglich 2-3 ml/kg Alleinfuttermittel oder 2 ml/L Trinkwasser zusetzen.
Tab 2 headline "COLUMBAVet Vital"
Zusammensetzung: Obstessig, Holunderbeersaft, Rote Beete Saft, Dextrose, Fermentgetreide flüssig, Acerolakirschmark, Gingkoblätter, Brennnesselkraut, Artischockenblätter, Spitzwegerichblätter, Anissamen, Thymian, Purpur-Sonnenhutkraut, Johanniskraut Zusatzstoffe/kg: Konservierungsmittel: Milchsäure* (1a270) 2 g. Aromastoffe: Ethanol (2b02078) 7,94 g. *Die gleichzeitige Verwendung verschiedener organischer Säuren oder ihrer Salze ist kontraindiziert, wenn für eine(s) oder mehrere davon der zulässige Höchstgehalt erreicht oder nahezu erreicht ist. Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 1,0%, Rohfaser 1,75%, Rohfett 0,8%, Rohasche 1,5%, Feuchte 93%, Natrium 0,2%, Lysin 0,1%, Methionin 0,1%


Pigeon racing and breeding place high demands on the constitution and condition of our pigeons. COLUMBAVet offers pigeon lovers high-quality natural products that naturally strengthen the health and performance of your pigeons.

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