Does your dog have hearing problems?
Especially in dogs with long coats, regular cleaning of the ears is essential. Gentle and thorough ear care with cdVet products can not only remove stubborn dirt, but also contributes to your dog's long-term well-being. The ear health of dogs is then supported in a natural way.
The ears should be checked daily after a walk for foreign bodies and dirt such as awns. Cleaning is necessary if dirt, excessive ear secretion, redness, itching or an unpleasant smell are noticed.
Just like with humans, you shouldn't clean a dog's ears with a Q-tip. It's best to use a liquid ear cleaner, put it in the ear canal and then massage it. The dog will react by shaking its head, which is what is wanted, as it removes the dirt from the ear. To prevent bacteria and fungi from breeding grounds, the ear is then dried with a clean cloth.
Regularly cleaning the ears can remove dirt and excess secretions that can potentially lead to infections. Do not clean the ears too often, as this can damage the natural protective layer in the ear canal.
Healthy ear secretion should be brownish to yellowish in color and have a waxy consistency. It should not be too liquid or too solid. Normally, ear secretion in dogs is odorless or has a light, neutral smell.
Put a few milliliters of an ear cleaner for dogs into the ear canal. Distribute this by gently massaging the base of the ear. Then use a cloth to remove the remains of the ear cleaner and the loosened dirt from the ear.
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Content: 0.02 Liter (€647.50* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.02 Liter (€747.50* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.02 Liter (€485.50* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.1 Liter (€119.00* / 1 Liter)