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Away with the mites

Skin problems caused by mites and hairlings often occur in young and older dogs. A weakened immune system, coat changes and/or metabolic problems can also be triggering factors. With the natural products of cdVet you support a natural mite defense for your dog.

In the case of mite infestation, external treatment can be used to combat mite infestation using products such as the Fur & Skin Mineral Spray. Mites can also be found in the dog's environment, such as the dog bed or on carpets. It is important to clean the environment thoroughly to prevent re-infection.

Demodex mites are tiny parasites found on the skin of mammals, including dogs. There are two types of Demodex mites that can be found in dogs: Demodex canis and Demodex injai.

Ear mites are very small parasites that live in the ear canal of dogs and cats. They are difficult to see with the naked eye, measuring between 0.2 and 0.3 mm.

In addition to mites, allergies, fungal infections, autoimmune diseases or traumatic injuries can also lead to bald spots. In order to apply appropriate treatment, it is important to find the exact cause.

A pleasant surprise to everyone is that they are dying and dying in the forest. The juvenile can be so afraid that the man will suddenly become a monster.