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EquiGreen AcceptanceMix 2.5 kg


Product information "EquiGreen AcceptanceMix 2.5 kg"

Complementary feed (powder) for horses

Tasty mixture of high-quality, purely natural ingredients for better feed intake of complementary feed

Metabolism and digestive system of horses, ponies, and donkeys are designed for the continuous intake of feed that is rich in raw fibres, low in energy and protein. Only through breeding of larger, heavy animals for work in the field, in front of the carriage, and under the rider, the feeding of grain as concentrate became necessary. However, the digestive system is actually not designed for such concentrate. The metabolism may also have problems processing these nutrients. This is especially the case with frugal, robust breeds of horses, as well as ponies and donkeys, in whose area of origin not much grain is available for feeding horses.

Therefore, it is often problematic to feed these animals with complementary feed, as the usual concentrate and muesli feed contains cereals and is usually not good for them. But how then how to balance their often increased need for micronutrients? Sea minerals are essential for ponies that originally came from islands. Many North American horse breeds are attuned to the presence of mineral complexes in the soil, which are lacking in our country. Also otherwise, intensive agriculture has resulted in a much less species-rich and less diverse feed basis than in the past. This can also lead to deficits in the micronutrient area.

But how can we now feed these important, sometimes less tasty nutrients without burdening the organism with potentially harmful concentrate or muesli food? The answer is EquiGreen AcceptanceMix, a tasty mix of high-quality, purely natural ingredients that is ideal for feeding complementary feed without burdening the metabolism and digestive tract. It is because it contains neither concentrated carbohydrates nor synthetic additives, and can help maintain the health of horses, ponies and donkeys, particularly those that are sensitive to metabolism. Especially for animals suffering from diseases of civilisation (founder, summer eczema, malanders, fecal water) and metabolic disorders (EMS Cushing, PSSM, Pyroluria etc.), which are becoming more and more frequent, the addition of concentrated natural micronutrients is very important, and therefore a feed that supports their intake.

Composition: green oat*, grass, herbs, legume plants*, rose hip husks, linseed expeller*

*97% of the ingredients are from controlled organic cultivation. Eco Control Center DE-ÖKO-001, EU/non-EU agriculture.

Analytical constituents: crude protein 9.2%, crude fat 2.6%, crude fiber 21.5%, crude ash 10.6%, ash insoluble in HCl 3.5%, sodium 0.02%

Feeding recommendation: 1 x daily or as required, moisten 100-200 g with lukewarm water, and then mix in the feed supplementation

Application "EquiGreen AcceptanceMix 2.5 kg"
Fütterungsempfehlung: 1 x täglich oder je nach Bedarf, 100-200 g mit lauwarmem Wasser anfeuchten, und anschließend die Futterergänzung daruntermischen
Tab 2 headline "EquiGreen AcceptanceMix 2.5 kg"
Zusammensetzung: Grünhafer*, Gras-, Kräuter- und Leguminosenpflanzen*, Hagebuttenschalen, Leinkuchen* *97% der Zutaten aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-001, EU-/Nicht-EU-Landwirtschaft. Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 9,2%, Rohfett 2,6%, Rohfaser 21,5%, Rohasche 10,6%, salzsäureunlösliche Asche 3,5%, Natrium 0,02%


Natural horse health from cdVet is called EquiGreen. The line includes all cdVet products in the horse segment and is not only impressive due to its elegant design. This feed supplement, care and hygiene series is specially tailored to the needs of horses and offers riders and animals a wide range of natural care in all areas.

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Content: 0.7 Kilogramm (€161.36* / 1 Kilogramm)
