Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- 100% natürliche Nahrungsergänzung für Pferde und Ponys zur ernährungsbedingten Unterstützung des Herz-Kreislaufsystems
- Enthält u.a. Weißdorn - zur Versorgung des Tieres mit wichtigen Oligomeren Procyanidinen & Flavonoiden
- Hochwertiger natürlicher Futterzusatz für die ausgewogene und gesunde Fütterung und bedarfsgerechte Versorgung mit wichtigen Nährstoffen
- Reines Naturprodukt – Ohne Füllstoffe, Geschmacksverstärker und synthetische Zusatzstoffe
- Bewährtes Produkt nach deutschem Qualitätsstandard - direkt vom Hersteller - mit Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
Product information "EquiGreen HeartAgile 1,25 kg"
Complementary feed (coarse structure) for horses
For the nutrition-related support of the cardiac function
EquiGreen HeartAgile contains exquisite and balanced herbs that provide the animal with important bioflavones and vitamins. The sophisticated herbal blend nutritionally supports nutrient-related the cardiovascular system of the animal.
Composition: mistletoe herb, elderberries, purple corneflower herb, hawthorn berries, sea buckthorn berries, beetroot, stinging nettle herb (ground), black cumin seeds, hawthorn leaves with blossoms, mountain arnica blossoms
Analytical constituents: crude protein 12.7%, crude fat 8.3%, crude fiber 15.5%, crude ash 7.8%, calcium 1.12%, phosphorus 0.29%, sodium 0.03%
Feeding recommendation: Add 2.4 g/100 kg body weight to the feed daily for 4-6 weeks. As required, the recommended daily amount can be increased. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 1.2 g / 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 3.6 g.

Natural horse health from cdVet is called EquiGreen. The line includes all cdVet products in the horse segment and is not only impressive due to its elegant design. This feed supplement, care and hygiene series is specially tailored to the needs of horses and offers riders and animals a wide range of natural care in all areas.