Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Natürliches Fell- und Hautpflegemittel für Pferde aus Lebermoos, Zistrose und pflegenden Ölen
- Versorgt die Haut mit essentiellen Nährstoffen, um die natürliche Hautbarriere zu stärken
- EquiGreen Lebermoos Combi kann auch eingesetzt werden bei verringertem hauteigenem Schutz gegen Pilze
- Naturprodukt - Ohne Parabene, Silikone, Geruchs - und Farbstoffe
- Bewährtes Produkt nach deutschem Qualitätsstandard - direkt vom Hersteller - mit Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
Product information "EquiGreen Liverwort Combi Spray 100 ml"
Care product for horses
In case of a reduced, skin‘s own protection against fungi
EquiGreen Liverwort Combi Spray is a natural fur and skin care product made from liverwort, rockrose, and nourishing oils that support the natural regeneration of stressed skin. The skin is strengthened in its self-regulation by the milieu-improving ingredients. Colonization of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi on the skin is made more difficult. Soothing ingredients reduce itching and redness of the skin. The skin can again fulfill its protective function as a border organ to the outside world.
As further measures we recommend:
Disinfection of cleaning and saddle equipment (cdDes)
Washing and disinfecting saddlecloths, sweat blankets, and winter blankets
Disinfection of the ambiance (horse stable, feeding troughs, …) (cdDes)
Avoid contact with infected horses (quarantine/separation)
Light, air, and sun are natural enemies of the skin fungus - ensure sufficient stay on the paddock and ventilation of the stable alley!
Expert tip: It is conspicuous in horses, that are sensitive to fungi, that malanders, mite infestation, fecal water or even respiratory tract infections often `accompany´ the fungal infestation. Since it comes mostly during the time of changing the coat to the increased susceptibility to a fungal colonization, special attention should be paid to feeding and optimal micronutrient supply (HuminoMineral). If the need is not met, skin regeneration, skin stability, and new skin formation are disturbed, and the scin becomes susceptible to parasites. A micronutrient supply adapted to the need and the support with omega-3 fatty acids (EquiGreen Feeding Oil) from high-quality oils are significant for a fast regeneration.
Since an external skin fungus often gives an indication of an infestation with intestinal fungi, an intestinal remediation with simultaneous support of the metabolic organs (liver and kidneys) can make very much sense (https://cdvet.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/shares/EWGT7LwNXVdFnI03Z_ORGEcBhsf_N440Hs3ApsFK4R79ug?e=8pocRT).
Composition: aqua, liverwort, rockrose extract, savory extract, emulsifier, organic black cumin oil, marigold oil, lavender oil
Application recommendation: spray affected skin areas at least 2 x daily
Contains lavender oil. May produce an allergic reaction.

Natural horse health from cdVet is called EquiGreen. The line includes all cdVet products in the horse segment and is not only impressive due to its elegant design. This feed supplement, care and hygiene series is specially tailored to the needs of horses and offers riders and animals a wide range of natural care in all areas.