Available, delivery time: 1-2 weeks
- Advantages
- Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde und Ponys zur täglichen Versorgung mit Mineralstoffen, Vitaminen und Spurenelementen
- Enthält wertvolle Huminosäuren & Antioxidantien, die den Zellschutz positiv beeinflussen
- Mit Bio-Moringa - zur ernährungsbedingten Unterstützung des Muskelaufbaus
- Natürliche Eisenquellen, können zur Anregung der Blutbildung beitragen
- Qualitätsprodukt nach bewährter cdVet- Rezeptur von Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
Product information "EquiGreen MicroMineral plus 1 kg"
Mineral complementary feed (powder) for horses
High quality source of minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, and humic acids
For more than 10 years, cdVet MicroMineral has been an innovation when it comes to the simple basic supply of mineral and vital substances in all areas. Its natural ingredients, rich in readily available micronutrients, such as minerals, trace elements, vitamins, etc., can prevent deficiency situations.
EquiGreen MicroMineral plus now combines this experience with moringa and peat to create an unprecedented total concept of vitality and nutrients. Moringa stands out with 90 important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, all essential amino acids and secondary plant substances in highly concentrated form. In addition, peat is rich in humic acids, which are able to bind excess stomach acid and harmful substances in the intestine.
Excellent source of vitamins and minerals
Moringa supports muscle development
Natural source of iron - can stimulate blood formation
Gastrointestinal regulation through humic acids
Cell protection through antioxidants
Composition: maerl, malt rootles, sunflower seed expeller, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), moringa 5%, peat 3%
Additives/kg: Technological additives: clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 20 g.
Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.
Analytical constituents: crude protein 10.3%, crude ash 47.7%, crude fiber 8.2%, crude fat 3.0%, ash insoluble in HCl 6%, calcium 16.4%, phosphorus 0.26%, sodium 0.31%
Feeding recommendation: Add daily 5 g/100 kg body weight to the feed. In case of special need, e.g. during the change of coat, in the last third of pregnancy as well as during lactation, the feeding amount should be increased to 10-20 g/100 kg body weight. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 11.5 g.

Natural horse health from cdVet is called EquiGreen. The line includes all cdVet products in the horse segment and is not only impressive due to its elegant design. This feed supplement, care and hygiene series is specially tailored to the needs of horses and offers riders and animals a wide range of natural care in all areas.