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EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist 3 kg


Product information "EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist 3 kg"

Feed materials for horses

Versatile superfood from the house of cdVet Naturprodukte

EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist is made from carefully treated organic linseeds. It is rich in natural vitamin E and proteins (approx. 34%). In combination with valuable fiber, mucilage, and the high residual oil content due to our gentle cold pressing process, you enrich your horse‘s feed schedule.

Advantages of EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist:

  • Gastric mucous membrane protection

  • Support of the intestinal mucosa - even in case of colic sensitivity!

  • Shiny fur and healthy skin

  • Regulation of the immune system - by supporting the intestinal flora

  • Contained proteins promote muscle building

EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist provides important amino acids (proteins) as complementary feed, which the horse‘s organism CANNOT produce itself. If one of those essential amino acids is not available in sufficient quantity, the others cannot fulfil their tasks either. Thus, those amino acids belong to the ‘first-limiting‘ ones and must be imperatively fed in sufficient quantities.

Advantages of feeding with grist:

  • All valuable components are preserved.

  • Easy feeding - pure and dry or as a mash

  • Mucilages are better broken down by grinding.

  • Longer shelf life through oil removal

  • Easy and complete digestion

Composition: 100% organic, cold pressed linseed expeller. Eco Control Center DE-ÖKO-001 non-EU agriculture

Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 34.2%, crude fat 6.3%, crude fiber 8.4%

Feeding recommendation: large horses (600 kg live weight) up to 100 g, smaller breeds and ponies up to 50 g per day

Store cool and dry.

According to the anti-doping and drug control rules of the German Equestrian Federation (FN), the use of this product in competition is permitted (ADMR compliant).

Application "EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist 3 kg"
Fütterungsempfehlung: Großpferde (600 kg LG) bis zu 100 g, kleinere Rassen und Ponys bis zu 50 g pro Tag. Gemäß den Anti-Doping- und Medikamentenkontrollregeln der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung (FN) ist die Anwendung dieses Produktes im Wettkampf erlaubt (ADMR konform).
Composition "EquiGreen Organic Linseed Expeller Grist 3 kg"
Zusammensetzung: 100% Bio-Leinkuchen aus Kaltpressung. Ökokontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-001 Nicht-EU-Landwirtschaft Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte: Rohprotein 34,2%, Rohfett 6,3%, Rohfaser 8,4%


Natural horse health from cdVet is called EquiGreen. The line includes all cdVet products in the horse segment and is not only impressive due to its elegant design. This feed supplement, care and hygiene series is specially tailored to the needs of horses and offers riders and animals a wide range of natural care in all areas.

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Content: 0.25 Liter (€67.80* / 1 Liter)

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