Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Einzelfuttermittel zur optimalen Versorgung mit essentiellen Fettsäuren
- Enthält 100% kaltgepresstes Bio-Hanfnussöl aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
- Für die individuelle Zusammenstellung des Speiseplanes Ihres Tieres
- Von Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern empfohlen
- Natives Bio-Hanfnussöl | Deutsches Qualitätsprodukt direkt vom Hersteller
Product information "Fit-BARF Organic Hemp Nut Oil 100ml"
Feed material for dogs and cats
For the appropriate supply at raw feeding
Through his, under the herbal oils, the highest content of valuable essential fatty acids, particularly omega 3 and 6, hempseed oil is valid as with one of the most valuably oils. The content in rather rare gamma linoleic acid, vitamin E, minerals, doubly as well as triply unsaturated alpha linoleic acid (which must be supplied about the food, because the animal organism cannot form this) makes the biology hempseed oil a valuable supplier who should be absent in no well-balanced food.
100% Bio Hempseed oil first cold pressed eco-inspection point DE-ÖKO-001 EU argriculture.
Feeding recommendation:
small dogs and cats 0,5 teaspoon, medium dogs 1 teaspoon, large dogs 1,5 teaspoons regularly to the feed.
Store in cool and dark place and use within 6 weeks after opening!
Feeding recommendation: small dogs and cats 0,5 teaspoon, medium dogs 1 teaspoon, large dogs 1,5 teaspoons regularly to the feed.
Store in cool and dark place and use within 6 weeks after opening!
Composition: 100% Bio Hempseed oil first cold pressed eco-inspection point DE-ÖKO-001 EU argriculture.

Fit-BARF optimizes the natural raw feeding method with proven concept products to create an all-round healthy diet. Fit-BARF provides important nutritional components for this feeding method, such as herbs, fruit, fatty acids and much more.
The balanced ingredients of the Fit-BARF products form the basis for a balanced and functional BARF concept! Fit-BARF products should therefore not be missing from the menu when feeding fresh or frozen meat!