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Hund, Labrador Retriever, Säugetier, Haustier

Probleme mit den Gelenken?


Probleme mit den Gelenken?

These signs may indicate that your dog is suffering from problems with their joints.

Lame: if your dog is limping or limping, it could be a sign that he has pain or stiffness in a joint.

Behavioral changes: f your dog is suddenly less active or moves less than usual, it could be a sign that he's in pain.

Stiffness: if your dog appears stiff or has difficulty moving after getting up.

Woran erkenne ich Gelenkprobleme bei meinem Hund?

Wenn dein Hund unter Gelenkbeschwerden leidet, zeigt er oft subtile, aber deutliche Anzeichen. Achte auf folgende Veränderungen:

  • Lahmheit & Humpeln – Dein Hund setzt eine Pfote vorsichtiger auf oder entlastet ein Bein? Das kann auf Schmerzen oder Steifheit in den Gelenken hindeuten.

  • Weniger Bewegungsfreude – Dein sonst so aktiver Hund wird plötzlich träge, meidet lange Spaziergänge oder springt ungern ins Auto? Oft steckt Unwohlsein in den Gelenken dahinter.

  • Steife Bewegungen – Besonders nach dem Aufstehen wirkt dein Hund ungelenkig oder hat Anlaufschwierigkeiten? Das kann ein Hinweis auf Gelenkverschleiß sein.

What you can do if your dog has joint problems

If your dog is suffering from problems with one or more joints, there are several things you can do to help:

Expert advice

First, you should take your dog to an expert therapist such as a veterinarian or other qualified animal health practitioner to determine the cause of the joint problems. They will be able to perform a thorough examination to determine if the cause is an injury, illness or some other cause.

Weight loss

If your dog is overweight, the extra weight can put strain on the joints and exacerbate symptoms. Weight loss can therefore help reduce the strain on the joints.


Physiotherapy can help improve joint function and increase mobility. Exercises to strengthen the muscles around the affected joint can help stabilize the joint and reduce the load it is under.

Nutritional optimization

A balanced and healthy diet can help promote joint health. It may also be helpful to feed supplements. In particular, feed supplements containing high-quality ingredients such as green-lipped mussels or natural vitamin C to support the joints have proven themselves here.

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ArthroGreen Junior
ArthroGreen Junior
Complementary feed for dogs and catsFor demand-oriented feeding of young growing animals with green-lipped mussel - nutrients for joints, muscles, tendons, powderArthroGreen Junior is particularly suitable for growing animals to provide nutrition-related important building blocks for the joint structures and the musculoskeletal system during this elementary period of growth.ArthroGreen Junior is characterized by its high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is an important factor for the release of the growth hormone in the body and must not be in short supply especially in the phase of maturation. Furthermore, vitamin C is of great importance for collagen biosynthesis and thus for the strength of bones and cartilage.The glycosaminoglycans provided by the green-lipped mussel are a natural component of the synovia (synovial fluid) and thus provide important building blocks for naturally balanced growth. With the other ingredients, the whole is supplemented with almost 70% digestible protein, a high variety of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids that can create good conditions for young animals in growth.Expert tip: For micronutrient and mineral supply, the feeding of MicroMineral is additionally advisable.Composition: New Zealand greenshell mussel powder (freeze-dried) 30%, grape pips meal, parsley, ginkgo leaves, rose hip husks, field horsetail herb, spirulina, sea buckthorn berriesAdditives per kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 10 g, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 10 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents: crude protein 27.5%, crude fat 6.3 %, crude fiber 13.5%, crude ash 10.8%, phosphorous 0.43%, calcium 1.13%, sodium 0.48%, ash insoluble in HCl 4.0%How to use (powder): 1 g/10 kg bodyweight per day. 1 half tsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 1 g.How to use (capsules): Cats: 1 capsule. Dogs up to 10 kg: 1-3 capsules. Dogs over 10 kg: 3-5 capsules. Capsule filling quantity: approx. 0.36 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

ArthroGreen Sport
ArthroGreen Sport
Complementary feed for horsesFor demand-oriented feeding of horses in sport or growthNutrients for joints, muscles, and tendons - with green shell mussel, powderArthroGreen Sport seves to support joint metabolism and can nutrition-related contribute to the strengthening of tendons and ligaments as well as the strengthening of connective tissue.The glycosamine glycans contained serve as important building blocks for healthy, strong articular cartilage, and are supplemented by high-quality, natural radical scavengers. In addition, the high content of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, and essential amino acids is a valuable aid in case of increased need. Those are highly bioavailable and are characterized by their pH-value as favorable counterparts in case of overacidification. In addition, the ingenious composition can have a positive influence on memory performance and learning ability, respectively.for the support of the musculoskeletal system (the joints) in sport horses for feeding-specific support of young horses in the growth and/or training phasefor horses that are used in sports and have an increased need for vital substancesExpert tip: For micronutrient and mineral supply, the feeding of EquiGreen HuminoMineral is additionally advisable.Composition: grape pips meal, parsley, New Zealand greenshell mussel powder (freeze-dried) 15%, green oat, ginkgo leaves, rose hip husks, field horsetail herb, spirulina, sea buckthorn berries, turmericAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 10,2 g, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 10,2 g.The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg.Analytical constituents: crude protein 20.4%, crude ash 8.9%, crude fat 4.1%, crude fiber 18.7%, ash insoluble in HCl 4.0%, calcium 0.91%, phosphorus 0.41%, sodium 0.41%How to use: Add daily 15 g/animal to the feed. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 6.5 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided. Contains fishmeal - shall not be fed to ruminants.
