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HuminoVet Powder LW 25 kg


Product information "HuminoVet Powder LW 25 kg"

Odor / ammonia binder and composting accelerator, germ displacement

Conventional manure tends to anaerobic decomposition through rottenness. By using HuminoVet Powder the rottenness with influence is promoted.

Advantages of using HuminoVet powder:

-Binding of ammonia - healthy stable air

-Composting promotion - less dung volume

-parasites (worms) are destroyed during the composting regarding emerging self-heating

-at an application in the stable, the container treatment is unnecessary

Advantages for the ground at land application of incurred dung/liquide manure:

-Enhancement of soil fertility through the formation of plant-usable trace elements such as zinc, copper, manganese, etc.

-Cost savings - much less synthetic fertilization necessary

-Neutralization overacidified soils by high content of basic silicates

-Strengthening of plants by increased defense capacity against pests


Special aluminas, humus, diatom earth, rock flour, lactic acid bacteria

Directions for use:

Spray 1x per week according to amount of liquide manure on the stable floor.

Poultry stable: 200g per m². Cattle slurry 0,4-0,6kg per m³. Pig slurry 0,5-0,7kg per m³.

poultry slurry 1,5 kg per m³. dung 50g per m².

Container handling: stir the recommended amount into the slurry while filling the container.

Store in dry place and protect against cold!



The topic of "avoiding antibiotics naturally" is increasingly being seen as an important challenge and priority. Herbs, probiotic microorganisms and essential oils are often underestimated remedies that can help reduce the need to use antibiotics. In nature, animals often selectively ingest herbs, roots, etc. that contain ingredients that are important for the immune system. Animals kept in stables cannot access herbs, roots and a variety of plants. Especially in the area of natural ingredients, deficiencies often lead to health problems or sensitivities that can be reduced naturally and based on the cause.

That is why cdVet Agrar offers special products that are precisely tailored to the needs of farm animals.

Manufacturer website