Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Flüssiges Ergänzungsfuttermittel zur bedarfsgerechten Fütterung von atemwegsempfindlichen Pferden
- Enthält natürliche Kräuter aus Fenchel, Anis und Thymian, welche die natürliche Schleimlösungfähigkeit der Bronchien stimulieren
- Ätherische Öle können fütterungsbedingt die natürliche Selbstreinigung der Bronchien anregen
- Neue verbesserte Rezeptur, mit Vitamin C aus natürlichen Quellen zur Stärkung der Immunabwehr
- Qualitätsprodukt nach bewährter cdVet- Rezeptur. Von Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt.
Product information "HustaVet acute 250 ml"
Complementary feed (liquid) for horses
For supporting the self-cleaning function of the bronchial tubes in horses with respiratory sensitivities
The horse‘s entire body is designed for movement and speed. The respiratory organs are also correspondingly efficient. Unfortunately, this naturally results in a high sensitivity to cold and dusty air.
HustaVet acute contains essential oils, which can improve the self-cleaning mechanism of the bronchial tubes, and natural mucilage, which has a protective and soothing effect on the sensitive mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It also contains excellent sources of vitamin C and a variety of secondary plant substances that the immune system needs to maintain its function. This selected combination of high-quality herbs makes HustaVet acute a beneficial feed supplement for horses with sensitive respiratory tracts.
Composition: fruit vinegar, elderberry juice, sea buckthorn juice, anise seeds, marshmallow roots, fennel seeds, thyme, licorice root, sage leaves, linden tree blossoms, cowslip blossom, lungwort, willow bark, purple coneflower herb.
Additives/kg: Flavouring compounds: ethanol 75.53 g.
Analytical constituents: crude protein 1.0%, crude fiber 1.5%, crude fat 0.8%, crude ash 2.0%, moisture 93%, sodium 0.3%.
Feeding recommendation: If required, mix 10 ml into the feed 2 x daily for 10 days. Requirement for year-round feeding: e.g. 2 x 2.5 ml daily.
Fütterungsempfehlung: Bei Bedarf 10 Tage lang 2 x täglich 10 ml ins Futter mischen. Bedarf bei ganzjähriger Fütterung: z.B. 2 x täglich 2,5 ml.
Zusammensetzung: Obstessig, Holunderbeersaft, Sanddornsaft, Anissamen, Eibischwurzel, Fenchelsamen, Thymian, Süßholzwurzel, Salbeiblätter, Lindenblüten, Schlüsselblumenblüten, Lungenkraut, Weidenrinde, Purpur-Sonnenhutkraut.
Zusatzstoffe/kg: Aromastoffe: Ethanol (2b02078) 75,53 g.
Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 1,0%, Rohfaser 1,5%, Rohfett 0,8%, Rohasche 2,0%, Feuchte 93,0%, Natrium 0,3%.

Unique combinations of beneficial plant and herbal oils form the basis for the HustaVet food supplement series. All products are specially tailored to the needs of animals with sensitive respiratory tracts.