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Micro Immune Fish 25 g


Product information "Micro Immune Fish 25 g"

Natural mineral feed for fish

For a reliable and balanced supply of natural vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. With a particularly high content of beta-glucans, which are nutritionally useful for a good immune system.

Diet-related application areas:

- Support of the stomach and intestinal condition

- Balanced development of young animals

- Improved feed conversion

- Best all-round supply

Optimal supply of:

- Calcium

- Magnesium

- The whole complex of essential trace elements and vitamins

Expert tip for fish farmers: Feeding Micro Immune Fish can have a positive effect on spawning readiness.

Composition: maerl, brewers yeast, algae, grape pips meal, carrot pomace.

Technological additives: bentonite 1m558i 80 g

The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permissible in complete feed maximum content of 20000 mg/kg complete feed.

Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 17.5%, crude oils and fats 2.0%, crude fibre 3.5%, crude ash 40.9%, phosphorus 1.0%, calcium 13.5%, magnesium 2.0%, sodium 0.7% , ash insoluble in HCl 29%

Feeding recommendation: Daily add 2% of the total amount to the feed.

1 spoon corresponds to about 1.7g

All vitamins and micronutrients originate from purely natural sources.

Application "Micro Immune Fish 25 g"
Fütterungsempfehlung: täglich 2% der Gesamtfütterungsmenge dem Futter beifügen. 1 Messlöffel entspricht ca. 1,7 g. Expertentipp für Fischzüchter: Die Fütterung von Micro Immun Fisch kann sich positiv auf die Laichbereitschaft auswirken. Die gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung von Makroliden ist zu vermeiden.
Tab 2 headline "Micro Immune Fish 25 g"
Zusammensetzung: Algenkalk, Bierhefe, Algen, Traubenkernmehl, Möhrentrester Zusatzstoffe je kg: Technologische Zusatzstoffe: Bentonit 1m558i 80 g. Die Gesamtmenge an Bentonit darf den in Alleinfuttermitteln zulässigen Höchstgehalt von 20000 mg/kg Alleinfuttermittel nicht übersteigen. Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte: Rohprotein 17,5%, Rohfett 2,0%, Rohfaser 3,5%, Rohasche 40,9%, Phosphor 1,0%, Calcium 13,5%, Magnesium 2,0%, Natrium 0,7%, salzsäureunlösliche Asche 29%


Aquarium keeping is still on the rise and still fascinates young and old alike.

Nearly all aquarium fish are native to tropical waters in South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Some ornamental fish come directly from nature, others from breeding. cdVet Aqua offers exactly the right thing to provide the fish in the aquarium with optimal support for their natural habitat.

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