Product information "MicroAgrar Poultry 25 kg"
Mineral feed for poultry
Micronutrient supply, better feed utilization through metabolic optimization promotes shell strength, egg production, bone structure
MicroAgrar Poultry support the weight gain through an optimised feed intake and feed conversion in the poultry fattening.
If the Law of the Minimum is only insufficient implemented deficiencies in the animal nutrition can lead to income losses. On the other hand the whole metabolism of the animal can be stressed through an oversupply of synthetic additives and toxins (fungal toxins). To counteract problems in the beginning, for example reduced performance, established cdVet products were developed further to MicroAgrar Poultry. MicroAgrar Poultry provides an optimal daily supply of minerals, trace elements and vitamins which supports the physiological organ functions and metabolic processes. This is the precondition for a healthy life.
What is important?
- shell strength
- stable laying performance
- increased life expectancy
- optimal conversion of minerals
- binding of toxins
- improved feed conversion by optimized cellular exchange of ions
- improved feed tolerance and conversion of given feed (improved absorption of required substances, binding and excretion of unnecessary substances)
- decreases of requirement of crude proteins due to a stimulation of the protein metabolism = economisation of protein carriers
- improved air in the stable
- optimized condition of joints and bone structure
- improved mineral supply
- control of the feed intake
- higher feed efficiency
Composition: maerl, seaweed meal, brewer‘s yeast, grape pips meal, malt rootlets
Additives per kg: technological additives: Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin 1g568 - 150 g, bentonite 1m558i - 480 g
The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuffs from 20000 mg / kg complete feed. The total amount of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources must not exceed the maximum level of 10000 mg/kg of complete feeding stuff.
Analytical constituents and contents: crude ash 75.9%, crude protein 3.2%, crude fat 0.4%, crude fiber 2.5%, lysine 0.15%, methionine 0.06%, calcium 6.9%, phosphorus 0.1%, magnesium 1.1%, potassium 0.7%, ash insoluble in HCl 52,0%
Feeding recommendation:
5-10 kg per ton of feed

The topic of "avoiding antibiotics naturally" is increasingly being seen as an important challenge and priority. Herbs, probiotic microorganisms and essential oils are often underestimated remedies that can help reduce the need to use antibiotics. In nature, animals often selectively ingest herbs, roots, etc. that contain ingredients that are important for the immune system. Animals kept in stables cannot access herbs, roots and a variety of plants. Especially in the area of natural ingredients, deficiencies often lead to health problems or sensitivities that can be reduced naturally and based on the cause.
That is why cdVet Agrar offers special products that are precisely tailored to the needs of farm animals.