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Obstetric Mixture 150 g


Product information "Obstetric Mixture 150 g"

Complementary feed (powder) for dogs, cats, and rodents

Feed supplement for nutrition-related fertility problems, supports the uterine condition

Obstetric Mixture is a natural complementary feed. Nutrient-related, it supports und facilitates the birth process.

Composition: wheat germs, raspberry leaves, seaweed meal, motherwort herb, linseeds, stinging nettle herb, liquorice roots, fenugreek seeds, lady`s mantle herb

Analytical constituents: crude protein 20.8%, crude fat 8.9%, crude fiber 12.2%, crude ash 8.6%, calcium 1.11%, phosphorus 0.57%

Feeding recommendation: Start adding from the last third of gestation and continue to feed for 10-14 days after birth. Add to the feed daily. Cats: 2 g/animal. Dogs: 2-6 g/animal. Rodents: one pinch. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 1.5 g.

Application "Obstetric Mixture 150 g"
Fütterungsempfehlung: ab dem letzten Drittel der Trächtigkeit beginnt man mit der Zugabe. Nager: eine Prise, Katzen: 0,5 Ml., Hunde: 0,5-1,5 Ml. Täglich über das Futter geben. Auch nach der Geburt noch 10-14 Tage weiter verfüttern. 1 gestrichener Ml. (Messlöffel) entspricht ca. 4 g.
Composition "Obstetric Mixture 150 g"
Zusammensetzung: Weizenkeime, Himbeerblätter, Seealgenmehl, Herzgespann, Leinsaat, Brennnesselkraut, Süßholz, Bockshornklee, Frauenmantel Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte: 20,8% Rohprotein, 8,9% Rohfett, 12,2% Rohfaser, 8,6% Rohasche, 1,11% Calcium, 0,57% Phosphor


The company, founded in 1999, always puts the health and well-being of animals first. Natural products are intended to minimize the use of medication and poisons (e.g. in parasite defense), and ideally even make them completely unnecessary.

For this purpose, we offer natural products that support the natural organ functions and metabolic processes and maintain the health of animals through an optimal supply, especially with micronutrients. By using high-quality ingredients and gently processing the products, health is effectively supported with the power of nature. The animal organism, which is particularly burdened by the increasing use of chemical substances and poisons, is thus protected.

cdVet products combine traditional, scientific, naturopathic and biological knowledge in a feed and care product concept. As a pioneer in the field of "natural animal health", cdVet has a broad conceptual base and offers a complete range for all animal species. An important part of the company concept is always individual advice and comprehensive service for the customer.

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