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Puppy Milk 90 g


Product information "Puppy Milk 90 g"

Milk replacer complementary feed for dogs and rodents

Replacement milk in case of failure of the dam

Particularly gentle spray-dried powder from milk in combination with a high proportion of high-quality colostrum are used as the basis for Puppy Milk. Due to this composition, it is best adapted to the mother‘s milk and is also highly digestible for motherless puppies. Puppy Milk is free from any synthetic additives.

Puppy Milk can be fed as a replacement milk when the dam is absent, e.g. due to death or illness. For the first 3-4 weeks of life, puppies should be able to manage on their mother‘s milk alone. In case of milk shortage or large litters, the use of replacement milk can protect the puppies from malnutrition.

Puppy Milk is adapted to a digestion of the puppies remaining stably, additionally contains the necessary defense components, is particularly high-quality and easily digestible. Your pet needs sufficient time to get used to the new food. To avoid digestive disorders, the change of food should be done slowly and gradually.

Stimulate the puppy‘s belly with a soft, body-warm cloth to stimulate digestion. Until 3 weeks of age, puppies are unable to urinate or defecate on their own. Normally, the bitch stimulates the puppies‘ digestion by licking their bellies, so it is beneficial to imitate this behavior of the bitch after each bottle and stimulate the little belly. This prevents possible constipation.

Expert tip: Additional puppy milk is superfluous if the dam is healthy and gives enough milk. We recommend Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb as an early supplementary feeding and subsequently as a complete feed. It is moistened with water at the beginning of the puppy feeding, crushed, and fed as a mash.

Please consider the feeding recommendation only as a guideline for a balanced, needs-based diet for your puppies. These figures have been calculated according to the latest scientific knowledge, but it is essential to adapt them to the individual needs of your puppies. Because one single figure cannot possibly do justice to all individual differences and conditions such as breed, age and size of the puppies, exercise performance, environmental influences (weather, summer, winter), etc.

EMERGENCY SET: 90 g. In order to be prepared for emergencies, we recommend that owners of gestating bitches always have cdVet Puppy Milk and singulares Colostrum in stock!

You can find more tips on feeding here:ütterungsempfehlung.pdf

Composition: whole-milk powder, colostrum, milk protein, sodium chloride, locust bean gum

Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 29.42%, crude fat 22.62%, crude fiber 0.01%, ash 6.27%

Feeding recommendation: mix 1 part Puppy Milk with 3 parts hot, no longer boiling water and allow to cool to feeding temperature. Feeding amount: approx. 15-25 ml per 100 g puppy weight per day. The daily amount is divided into 6-10 rations in the first week, later decreasing to 4 feedings per day. Feeding amount may vary by breed and nutritional condition of the puppy.

Contains high-quality colostrum!

Application "Puppy Milk 90 g"
Fütterungsempfehlung: 1 Teil Welpenmilch mit 3 Teilen heißem, nicht mehr kochendem Wasser anrühren und auf Fütterungstemperatur abkühlen lassen. Fütterungsmenge: ca. 15-25 ml pro 100 g Welpengewicht am Tag. Die Tagesmenge wird in der ersten Woche auf 6-10 Rationen verteilt, später abnehmend bis auf 4 Fütterungen pro Tag. Die Fütterungsmenge kann durch Rasse und Ernährungszustand des Welpen variieren. Expertentipp: Zusätzliche Welpenmilch ist überflüssig, wenn das Muttertier gesund ist und genügend Milch gibt. Als frühe Zufütterung und im Anschluss als Alleinfuttermittel empfehlen wir Fit-Crock Puppy Lamm. Zu Beginn der Welpenfütterung wird es mit Wasser angefeuchtet, zerkleinert und als Brei verfüttert. Bitte betrachten Sie die Fütterungsempfehlung lediglich als Richtwert für eine ausgewogene, bedarfsgerechte Ernährung Ihrer Welpen. Diese Angaben wurden nach den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen errechnet, müssen jedoch unbedingt den individuellen Bedürfnissen Ihrer Welpen angepasst werden. Denn eine einzige Zahl kann unmöglich allen individuellen Unterschieden und Bedingungen wie Rasse, Alter und Größe der Welpen, Bewegungsleistung, Umwelteinflüsse (Wetter, Sommer, Winter) etc. gerecht werden. NOTFALLSET: 90 g. Um für den Ernstfall vorbereitet zu sein, empfehlen wir Besitzern von tragenden Hündinnen grundsätzlich cdVet Welpenmilch und singulares Colostrum vorrätig im Bestand zu haben! Weitere Hinweise zur Fütterung finden Sie hier:ütterungsempfehlung.pdf
Tab 2 headline "Puppy Milk 90 g"
Zusammensetzung: Vollmilchpulver, Kolostrum, Milcheiweiß, Natriumchlorid, Johannisbrotkernmehl Analytische Bestandteile und Gehalte: Rohprotein 29,42%, Rohfett 22,62%, Rohfaser 0,01%, Rohasche 6,27%


The company, founded in 1999, always puts the health and well-being of animals first. Natural products are intended to minimize the use of medication and poisons (e.g. in parasite defense), and ideally even make them completely unnecessary.

For this purpose, we offer natural products that support the natural organ functions and metabolic processes and maintain the health of animals through an optimal supply, especially with micronutrients. By using high-quality ingredients and gently processing the products, health is effectively supported with the power of nature. The animal organism, which is particularly burdened by the increasing use of chemical substances and poisons, is thus protected.

cdVet products combine traditional, scientific, naturopathic and biological knowledge in a feed and care product concept. As a pioneer in the field of "natural animal health", cdVet has a broad conceptual base and offers a complete range for all animal species. An important part of the company concept is always individual advice and comprehensive service for the customer.

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Content: 0.03 Kilogramm (€565.00* / 1 Kilogramm)
