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SeniorDog 70 g


Product information "SeniorDog 70 g"

Complementary feed (powder) for dogs

For the nutrition-related support at general weakness and in old age

SeniorDog is a natural complementary feed for dogs and supplies the animals body with precious herbs, vitamin E, selenium, amino acids, electrolytes, essential fatty acids and iron. SeniorDog is highly recommended to compensate for dietary deficiencies in animals with general weakness, inactivity, after illness or surgery, after breaks in training, with lack of agility and in older animals.

Expert tip: For micronutrient supply, the feeding of MicroMineral is additionally advisable.

Composition: linseed, brewers‘ grains, hawthorn leaves with blossoms, brewers´ yeast, milk thistle herb, birch leaf, stinging nettle herb (ground), gingko leaves, dandelion herb, ginger, dandelion root

Additives/kg: Nutritional additives: L-lysine monohydrochloride 102 g, L-methionine (3c305) 55 g

Analytical constituents: crude protein 31.2%, crude fat 15.4%, crude fiber 11.5%, crude ash 5.4%

Feeding recommendation: Add 2,5 g/10 kg body weight daily to the feed. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 1.8 g.

Application "SeniorDog 70 g"
Fütterungsempfehlung: 2,5 g/10 kg Körpergewicht täglich dem Futter beifügen. 1 TL entspricht ca. 1,8 g. Expertentipp: Zur Mikronährstoffversorgung ist zusätzlich die Fütterung von MicroMineral ratsam.
Tab 2 headline "SeniorDog 70 g"
Zusammensetzung: Leinsamen, Biertreber, Weißdornblätter mit Blüten, Bierhefe, Mariendistelkraut, Birkenblatt, Brennnessel gemahlen, Ginkgoblätter, Löwenzahnkraut, Ingwer, Löwenzahnwurzel Zusatzstoffe/kg: Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe: L-Lysin-Monohydrochlorid 102 g, L-Methionin (3c305) 55 g Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 31,2%, Rohfett 15,4%, Rohfaser 11,5%, Rohasche 5,4%


The company, founded in 1999, always puts the health and well-being of animals first. Natural products are intended to minimize the use of medication and poisons (e.g. in parasite defense), and ideally even make them completely unnecessary.

For this purpose, we offer natural products that support the natural organ functions and metabolic processes and maintain the health of animals through an optimal supply, especially with micronutrients. By using high-quality ingredients and gently processing the products, health is effectively supported with the power of nature. The animal organism, which is particularly burdened by the increasing use of chemical substances and poisons, is thus protected.

cdVet products combine traditional, scientific, naturopathic and biological knowledge in a feed and care product concept. As a pioneer in the field of "natural animal health", cdVet has a broad conceptual base and offers a complete range for all animal species. An important part of the company concept is always individual advice and comprehensive service for the customer.

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