Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Einzelfuttermittel für Tiere aus 100% nativem biologischem Arganöl aus schonender erster Kaltpressung
- Reich an ungesättigten Fettsäuren kann Arganöl revitalisierend auf die Haut einwirken und die natürliche Regeneration der Haut unterstützen
- Für die individuelle Zusammenstellung des Speiseplans Ihres Tieres
- wohlschmeckendes und sehr gesundes Arganöl in BIO-Qualität
- Enthält hohe Anteile an natürlichen zellschützenden, antioxidativen Inhaltsstoffen und eine Vielzahl an phytoaktiven Substanzen
Product information "Singulares Bio-Argan Oil 100ml"
Feed material for dogs, cats and other animals.
Pure biological argan oil from gentle cold pressing.
High content of natural tocopherols (vitamin E), unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols.
Pure biological argan oil from gentle cold pressing. Argan oil belongs to the most valuable oils at al, thus it is often called the liquid gold of Morocco as well. It is not only delicious but also very healthy. This is arised of the high part of cell protecting, antioxidant ingredients and a multiplicity of phytoactive substances. Nearly above 80% of the fatty acids are existent in unsaturated form, therefrom appr. 35% linoleic acid. A very high concentration of tocopherol (vitamin E) can strengthen the immunesystem through his antioxidant effect. Argan oil can revitalise the skin and can support its regeneration.
100% organic argan oil from wild collection. First could-pressing eco-inspection point DE-ÖKO-001 not EU argriculture
Feeding recommendations:
Dogs/cats: daily 2-6 drops according to body weight. Horses: daily 2 - 5ml according to body weight.
Store in cool and dark place! After opening keep it cool and dark and consume within 6 weeks!

The S1ngulares brand includes all individual supplements from cdVet. The uniform line is particularly suitable for pet owners who want to tailor their pet's daily menu to their individual needs.
Whether as a supplement to the BARF program or to complement a nutritionally specific diet - S1ngulares offers the highest quality!