Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Einzelfuttermittel für Tiere aus reinem Knoblauchgranulat
- Neben Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen enthält Knoblauch auch ätherische Öle, die Einfluss auf den Geruch des Tieres nehmen können
- Für die individuelle Zusammenstellung des Speiseplans Ihres Tieres
- Von Pferdebesitzern erfolgreich angewandt zur fütterungsbedingten Abwehr von Insekten
- Knoblauch als Steppenpflanze gehörte zum Nahrungsspektrum der Vorfahren unserer heutigen Pferde
Product information "Singulares Garlic Pellets 300g"
Feed material for horses.
Diet-related defense against insects.
Garlic is used by many horse owners as a natural insect repellent.
Insect Repellent Garlic
It is known that some horses are more affected, and some are less affected by stinging insects. Based on this, it can be assumed that the odour of the horse must play a leading role when repelling insects.
Bugs are attracted by the exhaled carbon and the excreted sweat, which contains lactic acid. This suggests that any nuisance of mosquitoes may have to do with the metabolism in the direction of an acid-base balance.
In order to make the characteristic odour and the excretions for the pests as unattractive as possible, we should first and foremost consider a need-based, balanced feeding. Very particular attention should be paid to the nutrients that are essential for good skin structure and a perfectly functioning metabolism. These include in the first place the trace elements zinc, copper, selenium and manganese. They are the basis for healthy and resilient skin and should be fed by a corresponding pure natural mineral feed (EquiGreen MicroMineral), as the content in general feeds is not available in a sufficient quantity.
For a feed-related defence against insects, sulphur and its evaporation through the skin seems to play a unique role.
For this purpose sulphur-containing herbs, especially garlic, which has a known insect repellent effect, are ideal. All naysaying aside, garlic with its health-promoting effects encourages a natural protection against internal and external parasites in horse feed. Unfortunately, supposedly scientific investigations warn against the use of garlic.
Just such a publication in a leading scientific journal, the American Journal of Veterinary Research, where horses were given an excessive overfeeding of garlic with no less than between 120 and 160 grams of freeze-dried garlic per horse per day for a total of 70 days, has been concealed in the media, which has led to upsetting unsuspecting horse owners. 120 grams of dry garlic corresponds to about 6 to 8 tubers of garlic, in other words over 50 cloves of garlic.
This absolute overfeeding of garlic led to anaemia, from which the scientists at this time concluded that large quantities of garlic are harmful.
To which we would not disagree.
However, the fact is that today garlic as a steppe plant belonging to the food spectrum of the ancestors of our horses is completely overlooked. However, no horse would have eaten such amounts as laid out in this study.
For skin health an amount of 5 to 20 grams of dried garlic daily is sufficient, depending upon weight. The quantity makes the poison, and in recent years a large number of horses could be protected against the plague of insects thanks to garlic.
From the website for the Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, the toxic dose (poisonous dose) for daily feeding is indicated with 0.2 g of dried garlic / kg body weight of the dried garlic, which corresponds to 2 g of fresh garlic / kg body weight. The maximum average daily dose of fresh garlic or its equivalent is recommended as the following: For cats and dogs: 4g / animal, large ruminants: 20-30 g / animal, horses: 20g / animal.
Around 25 years ago, garlic feeding was widespread, and we know from our own experience and from many accounts that garlic is especially an aid, when not every horse in a herd can be supplied with garlic.
The horses that are supplied with garlic are significantly less bothered by insects as compared to the rest of the group.
To optimise any repellence of insects, an supplementary application of Defence Concentrate has also proven to be very helpful.
100% pure garlic granules.
Feeding recommendation:
20g daily onto the feed.
Close the can after use.

The S1ngulares brand includes all individual supplements from cdVet. The uniform line is particularly suitable for pet owners who want to tailor their pet's daily menu to their individual needs.
Whether as a supplement to the BARF program or to complement a nutritionally specific diet - S1ngulares offers the highest quality!