Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Einzelfuttermittel für Tiere aus 100% nativem Weizenkeim-Öl
- Enthält Nährstoffe, die ein glänzendes Haarkleid fördern und auf natürliche Weise die Durchblutung und den Stoffwechsel anregen können
- Für die individuelle Zusammenstellung des Speiseplans Ihres Tieres
- Von Natur aus reich an Vitamin E
- 100% schonend kaltgepresstes Weizenkeimöl aus erster Pressung nach bewährtem cdVet Verfahren
Product information "Singulares Wheat Germ Oil 50ml"
Feed material
Natural source of vitamin E and A.
Singulares Wheat Germ Oil is a pure natural product, promotes nutritionally a shiny hair care by daily use, stimulates the blood circulation, as well as the metabolism and thus increases the well-being. Singulares Wheat Germ Oil is also rich in natural vitamin E.
Composition: 100% cold-pressed wheat germ oil.
Feeding recommendation: Per 5kg body weight feed daily 1 drop, in the case of damage to the hair care daily 2 drops per 5kg body weight
Pigeons: 5ml on 1kg of food, for the breeding: beginning 14 days before the mating until after the laying of the last egg 3x per week 24 drops or 8ml on 1kg of food
Close bottle after use! Store in cool and dark place! After opening keep it cool and dark and consume within 6 weeks!

The S1ngulares brand includes all individual supplements from cdVet. The uniform line is particularly suitable for pet owners who want to tailor their pet's daily menu to their individual needs.
Whether as a supplement to the BARF program or to complement a nutritionally specific diet - S1ngulares offers the highest quality!