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Welpen-Bundle Futter


Product information "Welpen-Bundle Futter"

Unser Standard Welpen Promo Set +

  • Futterprobe Fit-Crock für Puppy Lamm
  • Futterprobe Fit-Barf Dreierlei Gemüse
  • Futterprobe Fit-Barf Mineral
  • Geschmacksmuster Fit-BARF DarmFlora plus
  • Infobroschüre Hund und Katze
  • Infoflyer Fit-Crock
  • Welpentagebuch
  • Kugelschreiber cdVet Naturprodukte GmbH


  • FitCrock Puppy Lamm 3 kg Eimer
  • Fit-Barf Darmflora plus 100 ml

Kaltgepresstes Trockenfutter ohne synthetische Zusätze aus Weidehaltung in Kombination mit Darmflora Plus zur Stärkung des Verdauungssystems.

Warenwert: 36,90 €

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Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb 3 kg
Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb 3 kg
Complete feed for dogsThe natural basic food for growing dogs.Gluten Free!Why you should feed your dog with Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb:When someone sees the Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb chunks for the first time, the reaction often follows: "Are those horse treats?" We have deliberately chosen such a large chunk shape. The dog is an eater, with the big chunk shape you can reach that the dog starts to chew. This in turn cleans the teeth (the chunks are very firm).Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb is not a predigested dry feed (like many other, even expensive types of feed). The feed breaks down into its components in the stomach, the stomach is not overstretched (it does not swell!).Since the feed must be digested intensively, the intestinal peristalsis is supported and the natural colon cleansing is promoted.Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb contains no synthetic additives. Thus, the metabolism is not charged additionally (further cause of a so-called "food allergy"). Due to the careful processing of the feed and the high-quality ingredients an addition of synthetic vitamins and minerals is superfluous. The manure of the dog is much firmer - this has the following advantages: The anal glands are emptied regularly (blockages are avoided) and the feces are easier to remove.Feeding recommendation as main feed: Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb is designed as a basic feed. From a naturopathic point of view, the diet of animals should always be built on several pillars. Therefore, we generally recommend the feeding of MicroMineral. Small amounts of meat and other, for puppies, suitable fresh feed is often useful in the rearing phase. In case of milk deficiency of the mother small quantities of puppy milk should be fed.Tip of an expert: Puppy MashFrom the 3rd to the 4th week should be started if necessary with the feeding of porridge. The puppy porridge facilitates the transition from milk to solid food and should be offered in shallow bowls.Preparation: Mix Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb with hot water and let soak for at least 45 minutes. Allow the porridge to cool to around 35 - 37 ° C (hand-warm) before feeding.Mixing ratio: 1 part Fit-Crock Puppy Lamb to 4 parts water. Prepare each meal fresh.For motherless puppies, it is recommended to use the puppy porridge with 2 parts of water and then to mix with 2 parts of the puppy milk.Composition: Meat and animal by-products (12.8% lamb and sheep meal, 11% blood meal, 4.14% bovine fat), maize, rice, marine fish meal, beet mark, carrots, molasses, maize germ, milk and dairy products, brewer‘s yeast, natural cold-pressed soybean oil, grape pips meal, linseed oil, maerl, nettle herb, birch leaf, milk thistle herb, dandelion, malt rootlets, seaweed meal, rosemary.Analytical constituents: Crude protein: 25.5%, crude fat: 9.4%, crude fibre: 4%, crude ash: 6.4%, calcium: 1.49%, phosphorus: 0.76%.Feeding recommendation as main feed per animal and day: weight of / 2 Month / 3 Month / 4 Month / 5 6 Month / 6 9 Month / 9 12 Month growingdogup to 5kg 60 - 70g 80 - 100g 100 - 120g 110 - 130g 90 - 110g 80 - 100g*5 10kg 80 - 90g 120 - 140g 160 - 180g 165 - 190g 165 - 200g* 150 - 170g*10 15kg 120 - 140g 180 - 200g 210 - 240g 220 - 250g 220 - 250g* 210 - 240g* 15 20kg 150 - 170g 240 - 265g 280 - 310g 300 - 320g* 300 - 320g* 280 - 310g* 20 30kg 210 - 220g 310 - 330g 390 - 420g 400 - 430g* 400 - 430g* 390 - 420g* 30 40kg 310 - 330g 440 - 465g 520 - 540g* 550 - 580g* 570 - 590g* 540 - 560g* 40 - 50kg 320 - 340g 470 - 490g 570- 590g* 600 - 630g* 600 - 630g* 590 - 610g* 50 - 70kg 370 - 400g 600 - 620g 730 - 750g* 820 - 850g* 830 - 850g* 800 - 820g* The amounts stated are average values from practice. The optimum amount of food for your dog depends on the breed, age and temperament / agility.* Our recommended time to ripen for conversion to Fit-Crock Classic / Sensitive to the bone growth through reduced protein feed time to giveThe information is indicative only. Fresh water should always be available.

Content: 3 Kilogramm (€7.48* / 1 Kilogramm)

Variants from €16.95*
From €22.45*
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ArthroGreen Junior 80 g
Complementary feed for dogs and catsFor demand-oriented feeding of young growing animals with green-lipped mussel - nutrients for joints, muscles, tendons, powderArthroGreen Junior is particularly suitable for growing animals to provide nutrition-related important building blocks for the joint structures and the musculoskeletal system during this elementary period of growth.ArthroGreen Junior is characterized by its high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is an important factor for the release of the growth hormone in the body and must not be in short supply especially in the phase of maturation. Furthermore, vitamin C is of great importance for collagen biosynthesis and thus for the strength of bones and cartilage.The glycosaminoglycans provided by the green-lipped mussel are a natural component of the synovia (synovial fluid) and thus provide important building blocks for naturally balanced growth. With the other ingredients, the whole is supplemented with almost 70% digestible protein, a high variety of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids that can create good conditions for young animals in growth.Expert tip: For micronutrient and mineral supply, the feeding of MicroMineral is additionally advisable.Composition: New Zealand greenshell mussel powder (freeze-dried) 30%, grape pips meal, parsley, ginkgo leaves, rose hip husks, field horsetail herb, spirulina, sea buckthorn berriesAdditives per kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 10 g, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 10 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents: crude protein 27.5%, crude fat 6.3 %, crude fiber 13.5%, crude ash 10.8%, phosphorous 0.43%, calcium 1.13%, sodium 0.48%, ash insoluble in HCl 4.0%How to use (powder): 1 g/10 kg bodyweight per day. 1 half tsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 1 g.How to use (capsules): Cats: 1 capsule. Dogs up to 10 kg: 1-3 capsules. Dogs over 10 kg: 3-5 capsules. Capsule filling quantity: approx. 0.36 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 0.08 Kilogramm (€249.38* / 1 Kilogramm)

HuminoMineral 500 g
Mineral complementary feed for dogs and catsHigh-quality nutrient source with HuminoMin® complex, powdercdVet HuminoMineral cosists of and the unique HuminoMin-Complex® and natural nutrients. It is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Particularly noteworthy is its high content of zinc and magnesium. cdVet HuminoMineral also contains a lot of folic acid as well as vitamin E, B vitamins, ß-carotene, sulfur, potassium, and selenium.Special feature of the HuminoMin® complex: Intestinal health and environmental conditions also play a role that should not be underestimated when it comes to the absorption and utilization of the required micronutrients. This is where the HuminoMin® complex comes in: Due to its elaborate composition, the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine are protected and supported in their function, which favors the absorption of necessary micronutrients. In addition, the HuminoMin complex supports the regulation of acid-base balance and is characterized by excellent cell-protecting antioxidant properties.Due to the high toxin-binding properties of the HuminoMin® complex, toxins from bacteria and fungi or also toxins supplied from outside, such as glyphosate, are already bound in the intestine and excreted via the feces. This reduces the burden on the organism because the toxins do not enter the blood, and organs and tissues remain protected. The presence of glyphosate in more and more feedstuffs, of plant and also animal origin, can lead to a deficiency of micronutrients, although there would actually be enough minerals and trace elements. These nutrients cannot be absorbed because they are bound by glyphosate.HuminoMin® complex: • mucosal protection for stomach and intestine • toxin binding in the intestine • excellent feed conversion - micronutrients are better absorbed • cell protection through antioxidant properties • regulation of acid-base balance • support of the immune defense by balancing the lack of mineralsComposition: maerl, sunflower seed expeller, malt rootlets, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), peatAdditives/kg: Technological additives: clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 20 g.Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents: calcium 15.3%, phosphorus 0.25%, magnesium 1.04%, sodium 0.26%, ash insoluble in HCl 6%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Dogs: 3.5 g/10 kg body weight. Cats: 3 g/animal. 1 tsp. corresponds to ca. 3.8 g / 1 tbsp. corresponds to ca. 11.5 g.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€35.90* / 1 Kilogramm)
