Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Spezialprodukt zur Beschleunigung des Kompostiervorgangs und zur Bekämpfung von Fäulnisgerüchen
- Enthält rein natürliche Inhaltstoffe und ist biologisch abbaubar
- Naturprodukt, das für jeden Kompost und auch für Biotonnen geeignet ist
- Hinterlässt keine chemischen Rückstände und ist einfach in der Anwendung
- Qualitätsprodukt mit bewährter Rezeptur - Hergestellt in Deutschland
Product information "casaCare Compost starter 500g"
Natural additive for the improvement of rotting in compost.
Valuable compost is produced by aerobic (with oxygen) conversion, foul odors are caused by putrefaction (anaerobic conversion). CasaCare Compost starter helps to support massively the rotting and humification in a natural way. As a result, putrefaction is virtually eliminated and - with proper handling of casaCare Compost starter - the natural conversion processes, which make the positive characteristics of compost during fertilization.
Positive effects from casaCare Compost Starter:
- Fight against rotting odor
- Natural humus smell
- Designed for hard cases
- No chemical residues - therefore, compost treated with casaCare Compost starter is also suitable in the garden for the fertilization of food plants
- Optimization of the fertilization properties of compost and better nutrient availability
- control of parasites due to the implementation process
- Not hazardous to water
- Can also be used in bio compost bin
Composition: Special aluminum oxide, humus, diatomaceous earth, rock flour, lactic acid bacteria
How for use: Always apply 50g per m² before applying new compost layers
Store in a dry place and protect from cold!
How for use: Always apply 50g per m² before applying new compost layers.
Store in a dry place and protect from cold!
Composition: Special aluminum oxide, humus, diatomaceous earth, rock flour, lactic acid bacteria.

Animal and environmentally friendly cleaning are not only important topics for pet owners. The chemicals contained in many cleaning products not only harm the environment, but also cause problems for animals and people. Allergic reactions to ingredients are not uncommon. The cleaning products of the casaCare brand are developed on the basis of natural ingredients and offer you a range of selected products that are safe for you, your home and your garden.