Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Spray mit desinfizierender Wirkung zur Reinigung und Behandlung von Oberflächen
- Enthält einen natürlichen Wirkstoff gegen Bakterien, Pilze, Keime und Viren
- Dermatologisch getestet und schonend zur Haut
- cdDes benötigt nur eine kurze Einwirkzeit und ist vielseitig einsetzbar im Haushalt und im Stall
- Qualitätsprodukt nach bewährter cdVet- Rezeptur von Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
Product information "cdDes 5 L"
Cleaning agent for stable, household, and industry
Hygiene agent
For the high health and hygiene standards of our society detergents are indispensable. cdDes is a fast-acting detergent and hygiene agent without petrochemical ingredients. The mild composition enables thus gentle cleaning of everyday items. In a special electrolyte process, salt, water, and electricity are used to produce a highly effective detergent and hygienic agent, which after its cleaning action breaks down into its source materials, water and salt. cdDes contains no surfactants, no colorants and fragrances, no preservatives, and is fat- and oil-free.
Range of uses:
Wipeable surfaces of all kinds: tables, chairs, light switches, door handles, and similar contact surfaces
Cleaning of utensils, appliances, work tables, etc.
Cleaning of objects that come into contact with animals: Transport containers, drinking bowls, pieces of furniture, brushes, etc.
Cleaning of piping systems: Milking systems, drinking water systems, etc.
no by-product formation and residues, but disintegration into its natural source materials (water and salt) after the cleaning process
no addition of chemicals
dermatologically tested
short contact times
easy handling
Composition: sodium-containing, electrolytical-energetically treated water
Application recommendation: spray affected areas
Quantity applied: ca. 5 ml/m2. Up to 250 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 0.15 ml. From 500 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 1.3 ml.
Store it cool and dark!
Anwendungsempfehlung: betroffene Stellen einsprühen
Aufwandmenge: ca. 5 ml/m2. Bis 250 ml Flasche: 1 Sprühstoß= ca. 0,15 ml. Ab 500 ml Flasche: 1 Sprühstoß= ca. 1,3 ml.
Kühl und dunkel lagern!