Intestinal cleansing + Detoxification
What is it and what does it do for my horse?

The immune system and the health of the equine intestine are closely related. After all, around 80% of the immune cells are located in the intestine.
The intestine is a very important and independent organ. Unfortunately, it often regarded as a purely digestive organ without further function. The intestine is the center of health: 80% of the immune system is located here. This requires an optimal composition of the stomach and intestinal flora.A diet with highly industrially processed horse feed mixed with various artificial additives can negatively influence and weaken the intestinal flora and the immune system.
As a result, it can lead to a miscolonization with unwanted germs and resulting fungi. These then often cause various metabolic diseases due to an emerging nutrient deficiency.Horses react to this with loss of energy, metabolic disorders, digestive problems, allergies and sometimes also with serious diseases of the skin, hooves and respiratory tract. With an intestinal cleansing, the intestine is virtually reset to "factory setting".
The prebiotic strengthening of the intestinal flora accelerates its regeneration and prevents further weakening. For the removal of the dissolved and polluting substances, toxin binding should always be integrated into a profound intestinal remediation.
EquiGreen offers special concepts for natural intestinal remediation. The purely vegetable products can be individually tailored to the needs of the horse.
In the feeding of our horses, there are ever greater barriers to overcome in order to ensure the most natural feeding possible. Toxin loads in the basic feed, as well as the oversupply of protein often form the causes of metabolic overloads. Therefore, it is important to cleanse the intestines and help them rebuild a healthy intestinal flora.

Step 1 of an Intestinal Cleanse: cleaning the gut

GutClean – Liquid
Feeding takes place over 20 to 25 days.

DarmRein – Pulver
Particularly recommended for horses with sensitive stomachs.
Bitter herbs, essential oils and secondary plant substances stimulate digestion and strengthen stomach and intestinal health. These substances, which are often neglected in today's feeding, contribute to improving micronutrient absorption by positively influencing all digestive processes.
Step 2 of an Intestinal Cleansing: activating the gut

GutActive – Liquid
After cleaning the gut, the build up of a healthy and active intestinal flora should be started. EquiGreen DarmAktiv is a fermented plant extract of wild and aromatic herbs for the supply and nutritional support of the intestinal flora for optimal function and absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
Feeding daily for 6 weeks.
Step 3. From the beginning to accompany intestinal Cleansing: toxin binding

ToxiVet sorb
Bitter herbs, essential oils and secondary plant substances stimulate digestion and strengthen stomach and intestinal health. These substances, which are often neglected in today's feeding, contribute to improving micronutrient absorption by positively influencing all digestive processes.
Depending on the metabolic process, the following can be fed optionally:

+ For the general metabolism Toxisan
Feeding-related support of the overall metabolism, liver and kidneys – with milk thistle and wild pansy. EquiGreen Toxisan is specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of horses and ponies. The mixture of herbal extracts, which is tailored to stimulate the detoxification organs, can be quickly absorbed by the body and used directly, thus supporting the detoxification processes.
Feeding takes place daily for 6 weeks täglich – at the same time as DarmAktiv.

+ For hoof metabolism:
Hoof tonic
Harmful substances and metabolic residues are excreted via the newly formed horn, which can be recognized by the rings or discolorations in the horn. The hoof with its corium is therefore a vital and metabolically active organ. Common causes of imbalances in hoof metabolism are incorrect feeding, incorrect loading of the hooves, overweight and metabolic diseases. EquiGreen Hoof Tonic is specially formulated to meet the aromatic needs of horses and ponies in this context. It is fed daily for 6 weeks - at the same time as DarmAktiv.
Feeding takes place daily for 6 weeks – at the same time as GutActive.

+ For skin metabolism:
Summer skin elixir
Common causes of an unbalanced skin metabolism are obesity, metabolic diseases or synthetic additives and preservatives contained in horse feed. An overload of the detoxification organs liver and kidneys usually manifests itself in a dull coat, dandruff and scabbing, hair loss and itching, as the skin metabolism is also burdened as the "last excretory organ" in the body. EquiGreen Summer Skin Elixir supports the natural skin metabolism of horses and ponies.
Feeding takes place daily for 6 weeks – at the same time as GutActive.