
Flea infestation, what to do?
Flea cycle

Direct harmful effects
Dogs often itch when they have fleas, particularly in the area in front of the base of the tail and on the hind legs. Cats lick themselves more, sometimes excessively. In some cats, symptoms only appear when the flea infestation is very severe. In rare cases, mass infestations can lead to anemia.
Allergy caused by flea saliva

Detecting a flea infestation is actually quite simple. Flea bites itch quite badly, so the dog will scratch and sometimes even bite. Since this behavior can have other causes, you should take it as an opportunity to look for the characteristic traces of fleas on the dog's skin. Small black crumbs, which usually lie loosely on the skin, are either dirt or flea droppings. To distinguish between the two, drop some of these black crumbs onto a white sheet of paper and moisten the paper slightly. If the crumbs now run red, then they are flea droppings.