
Die meiste Zeit ihres Lebens verbringen die Flöhe in ihrer Jugendzeit, entweder als Ei, Puppe oder Larve, daher ist der größte Teil einer Floh-Population noch nicht erwachsen. Erst ausgewachsene Flöhe suchen ihre Wirte wie Katzen und Hunde. Die Flöhe befinden sich nicht nur am Haustier selbst, sondern auch im Umfeld und in der Wohnung und müssen daher an allen Orten parallel bekämpft werden. Flöhe verursachen nicht nur juckende Bisse, sondern können auch viele Krankheiten übertragen, z.B. Typhus oder andere Parasiten wie Bandwürmer. Der am meisten verbreitete Floh ist der Katzenfloh (Ctenocephalides felis), der auch andere Tiere wie Hunde befällt. Aus einem weiblichen Floh können bei guten Bedingungen in einer Saison bis zu 30.000 Nachkommen entstehen. Viele Millionen Jahre Überlebenskampf haben den Floh zu einem wahren Überlebenskünstler gemacht, gegen den der Mensch nie gewinnt, sondern nur durch ständige Wachsamkeit die Zahl der Gegner niedrig halten kann.
Es gibt über 2.500 verschiedene Floharten. Flöhe sind etwa 1-2 mm lang, flügellos, flach, rot-braun bis braun-schwarz und besitzen eine harte Schale. Diese ist so hart, dass ein Floh nicht wie andere Insekten totgeschlagen werden kann. Die Beine und der Körper sind mit rückwärts gerichteten Borsten besetzt. An den Enden jeder der 6 Beine befinden sich Krallen, mit welchen sich der Floh an Säugetieren festklammert. Da der Floh flach ist, kann er problemlos zwischen den Haaren seines Wirts umherspazieren. Der Floh hat zwei einfache Augen und zwei kurze Fühler. Er springt ohne Probleme bis zu 40 cm hoch und kann bis zu 100 mal schneller beschleunigen als jeder Rennwagen. Mit seinem sägezahnartigen, nadelförmigen Kiefer schneidet er sich den Weg durch die Haut seines Wirts, um das Blut der Säugetiere zu saugen. Flöhe trinken etwa das 15-fache ihres Körpergewichtes an Blut und sie werden durch Wärme, Bewegung und Kohlendioxyd angelockt.

Flohbefall, was tun?

Flöhe sind in der Kleintierpraxis in Deutschland wohl die häufigsten Parasiten. Etwa 80% aller Patienten, die mit Hautproblemen in der Tierarztpraxis vorgestellt werden, haben ein Flohproblem. Flöhe kommen sehr häufig vor, übertragen Bandwürmer (Dipylidium caninum) und verursachen häufig Hautkrankheiten. Dabei sind Flöhe nicht so sehr wirtsspezifisch, das heißt Katzenflöhe kommen beim Hund vor, Hundeflöhe auf Katzen (selten) und Menschenflöhe auf dem Hund. Andere Flöhe (von Igeln, Kaninchen, Ratten ….) kommen seltener vor. Tierflöhe können auch Menschen befallen und dort Blut saugen.


Der Flohzyklus dauert, abhängig von den klimatischen Bedingungen, 3 Wochen bis 2 Jahre! Das Flohweibchen legt auf dem Wirtstier (Hund, Katze) 3- 18 Eier, ab, die sich in mindstens 3 Wochen Entwicklungszeit zum erwachsenen Floh weiterentwickeln. Ein Flohweibchen kann 1-2 Jahre alt werden und in dieser Zeit 500 Eier legen! Erwachsene Flöhe können bis zu 3 Monaten ohne Nahrung (Blut) außerhalb des Wirtes überleben. Etwa 95% der Flöhe und Jugendformen leben in der Umgebung des Tieres!

Direkte Schadwirkung

Hunde zeigen bei Flohbefall häufig Juckreiz, besonders stark im Bereich vor dem Schwanzansatz und an den Hinterbeinen .Katzen lecken sich stärker, manchmal exzessiv. Bei manchen Katzen zeigen sich Symptome erst bei sehr starkem Flohbefall. Selten kann es bei Massenbefall zur Blutarmut kommen.

Allergie durch Flohspeichel

Häufig entwickelt sich bei Hund und Katze eine Flohspeichelallergie. Hunde zeigen dann eine Hautentzündung v.a im Bereich der Kruppe, der Hinterbeine und Bauchunterseite. Die Haut zeigt rote Papeln, Haarlosigkeit und wird bei längerer Dauer schwarz und lederartig. Katzen zeigen oft Krüstchen im ganzen Fell, vermehrt auch im Kopf- und Rückenbereich. Manchmal führt das starke Lecken bei Katzen auch zur Haarlosigkeit an Bauch und Flanken oder zu stark juckenden Hautveränderungen auf dem Kopf vor den Ohren.


Der Nachweis eines Flohbefalls ist eigentlich ganz einfach. Flohstiche jucken ziemlich stark, also wird sich der Hund kratzen und manchmal sogar beißen. Da dieses Verhalten auch andere Gründe haben kann, sollte man es zum Anlass nehmen, auf der Haut des Hundes nach den charakteristischen Spuren der Flöhe zu suchen. Kleine schwarze Krümel, die meistens lose auf der Haut liegen, sind entweder Dreck oder Flohkot. Um dies zu unterscheiden, lässt man einige dieser schwarzen Krümel auf ein weißes Blatt Papier fallen und feuchtet das Papier leicht an. Wenn die Krümel jetzt rot auslaufen, dann handelt es sich um Flohkot.


Flöhe sind aufgrund Ihrer Biologie (lange Persistenz, v.a. in der Umgebung des Tieres) und ihrer zunehmenden Resistenz gegenüber vielen Medikamenten schwer in den Griff zu bekommen. Daher ist es ratsam das Tier schon vor dem Befall zu schützen. Bei Tieren, die sich im Haus aufhalten, ist es besonders wichtig, außer den Flöhen auf dem Tier auch die Jugendformen (Eier, Puppen, Larven) außerhalb der Tiere in ihrer Umgebung (Wohnung, Zwinger, Box) zu bekämpfen. Auch die Natur bietet uns vielfältige Möglichkeiten unsere Tier angemessen zu schützen. In der Regel sind diese natürlichen Abwehrmaßnahmen mit einem kleinen Mehraufwand verbunden, aber durchaus wirksam und darüber hinaus um ein vielfaches verträglicher für Tier, Mensch und Umwelt.
FleaEx 20 ml
FleaEx 20 ml
RepellentSpray against fleasFleaEx is excellent for repelling fleas, biting insects and flies that are directly on the animal. For the surroundings (such as basket, blanket, etc.) we recommend FleaEx Ambient Spray.optimal immediate protectionalso suitable for young animals (from 4 months on)up to 5 hours protection against flees, biting insects, and fliesfrees the coat from fleasadditional protection against mites, horse biting lice, ticksnew infestation is prevented, existing one deterredquick and easy applicationdermatologically testedActive substance: Eucalyptus citriodora oil hydrated, cyclized (EC Oil (H/C)) 100 g/L, BAuA Reg.-No.: N-84835. Origin of the active substance from the leaves of lemon eucalyptusApplication recommendation: Shake before use. Spray FleaEx 1-2 x daily against the coat line, dampen coat evenly, then massage in. Do not spray directly on face and eye area, but treat accordingly with still wet hands. Avoid direct contact with eyes and mucous membranes! In case of acute infestation: daily for 14 days, then before contact with other animals. Quantity applied: cats, small dogs (<10 kg) 3-6 sprays, midsize dogs (<25 kg) 10-15 sprays, large dogs (>40 kg) 20-30 sprays. 1 spray = ca. 0.15 ml.Storage not below 18°C.WARNING • Contains citronellol. May produce an allergic reaction. Causes serious eye irritation. Keep out of reach of children. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Dispose of contents/container to an authorized waste disposal site.Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Content: 0.02 Liter (€347.50* / 1 Liter)

FleaEx Ambient Spray 100 ml
FleaEx Ambient Spray 100 ml
InsecticideInsecticide for the control of fleasFleaEx Ambient Spray specifically controls fleas in the home, in the car, in the kennel, on beds, blankets, baskets, etc. Geraniol from the leaves of palmarosa geranium as an essential oil destroys the chitinous shell and inhibits tracheal respiration of fleas and other vermin, whereupon they dry out.ready-to-use spray against fleas in the surroundings (living, resting and lying places) of dogs and catsalso applicable in the surrounding of young animals (from 4 months)acts immediately against adult fleas, as well as their developmental stages and eggsalso against mites, ticks and other vernimno waiting time before re-entry after applicationpleasant fragranceExpert tip: In case of acute flea infestation: In the first 5 days, spray daily frequently visited places where dogs and cats stay, rest and lie down. Subsequently, in case of additional treatment of the animal with FleaEx: spray every 10-14 days. Subsequently, without additional treatment of the animal: spray every 5-8 days. Prophylactic application: spray every 4 weeks.Active substance: Geraniol 29 g/L. BAuA Reg.-No.: N-72142. With the active ingredient from the leaves of palmarosa geranium grass (Cymbopogon martinii).Application recommendation: Treatment of the surroundings of dogs or cats: spray on all areas where the animal stays. Sleeping and lying places, such as basket, blanket, etc., require preferential treatment. Control hidden sitting vermin by thoroughly spraying the hiding places and nests from a distance of approx. 5 cm. Before the first treatment, check sensitive surfaces for compatibility and material resistance.Application rate: approx. 5 ml/m². Up to 250 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 0.15 ml. From 500 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 1.3 ml. Shake before use!Storage not below 18°C.WARNING • Contains geraniol. May produce an allergic reaction. Causes serious eye irritation. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid breathing mist/spray. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water and soap. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Dispose of contents/container to an authorized waste disposal site. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Content: 0.1 Liter (€149.50* / 1 Liter)

Essen, Würzen, Sirup, Kräuterig, Parfüm
FleaEx SpotOn 10 ml
Care product for animalsCare oil for odor masking against fleasFlea SpotOn is a high-quality, skin-caring fragrance oil based on cold-pressed, organic Egyptian black cumin oil and organic coconut oil. This care oil is supplemented with excellent essential fragrance oils that mask the pet‘s own odor. Since the animal is no longer perceived by pests as an attractive host, a flea-free walk is possible.long-lasting masking properties against pests such as ticks, fleas, mites, mosquitoes, horseflies, etc.masks the animal‘s own odoralso suitable for young animals (from 3 months on)100% naturelow application quantity (10 ml sufficient for one season for dog/rodent)easy to useExpert tip: FleaEx SpotOn is basically waterproof in rain and when bathing in water. However, it should be reapplied after shampooing.Composition: organic coconut oil, organic black cumin oil, jojoba oil, neem oil, geranium oil, lavender oil, manuka oilApplication recommendation: Massage 1 drop from your wetted finger into the skin daily for 3 weeks. Dog: in both ear cones or between the shoulder blades and at the base of the tail. Horse: near the torso on the insides of the legs as well as at the base of the ear. Rodent: only 2 x per week between the shoulder blades. 1 drop corresponds to approx. 50 mg.Once basic stabilization is achieved, 1-2 applications weekly are sufficient. In case of strong regional flea infestation, the frequency of applications can be increased individually.Contains lavender oil, citronellol, and geraniol. May produce an allergic reaction.

Content: 0.01 Liter (€2,095.00* / 1 Liter)

insektoVet Combi SpotOn 10 ml
insektoVet Combi SpotOn 10 ml
Care product for animalsCare oil for odor masking against ticks and other pestsinsektoVet Combi SpotOn is a skin-care fragrance oil that masks the animal‘s own odor. The animal is no longer perceived by insects and pests as an attractive host worth attacking. insektoVet Combi SpotOn is a high-quality, skin-care oil, based on cold-pressed Egyptian organic black cumin oil and organic coconut oil. This unique composition is complemented with selected essential fragrance oilsthat masks the animal’s own odor.long-lasting masking properties against pests such as ticks, fleas, mites, mosquitoes, horseflies, etc.masks the animal‘s own odor100% naturealso suitable for young animalslow application quantity (10 ml sufficient for one season for dog/rodent)easy application, ready to useskin friendlyExpert tip: insektoVet Combi SpotOn is basically waterproof in rain and when bathing in water. However, it should be reapplied after shampooing. Of course, insektoVet Combi SpotOn can be combined with our other cdVet products such as TickEx herbal and TickEx Organic Oil.Composition: organic coconut oil, organic black cumin oil, jojoba oil, neem oil, geranium oil, lavender oil, manuka oilApplication recommendation: Massage 1 drop from your wetted finger into the skin daily for 3 weeks. Dog: in both ear cones or between the shoulder blades and at the base of the tail. Horse: near the torso on the insides of the legs as well as at the base of the ear. Rodent: only 2 x per week between the shoulder blades. 1 drop corresponds to approx. 50 mg.Once basic stabilization is achieved, 1-2 applications weekly are sufficient. In case of strong regional infestation of pests, the frequency of applications can be increased individually.Contains lavender oil, citronellol, and geraniol. May produce an allergic reaction.

Content: 0.01 Liter (€1,795.00* / 1 Liter)

insektoVet Combi Spray 20 ml
insektoVet Combi Spray 20 ml
Care product for animalsFragrance oil spray for animal-specific scent coverage against nuisances - from flea, mosquito and horsefly to tickWith insektoVet Combi Spray, cdVet has developed a revolutionary product that effectively and sustainably masks your pet against summer nuisances from flea, mosquito and horsefly to tick. The basis for insektoVet Combi Spray is a unique combination of various essential oils, which are an impenetrable firewall for the highly sensitive olfactory organs of insects without straining the olfactory nerves of humans and quadrupeds.insektoVet Combi Spray is gentle to the fur and skin of the animals, has a long-lasting and intensive effect - a MUST for every pet owner.masks animal‘s own scentalso suitable for young animals (from 4 months on)pure plant based - 100% naturalpleasant, fresh scenteasy application, ready to useExpert tip: Of course, insektoVet Combi Spray can be combined with our other cdVet products such as insektoVet Herbal and insektoVet Coconut-Black Cumin-Oil.Composition: cedarwood oil, lavender oil, clove oil, juniper berry oil, citronella oilApplication recommendation: Shake before use. Spray on 1-2 x daily against the fur line, dampen fur evenly, then massage in. Do not spray the face and eye area directly, but treat accordingly with still wet hands.Contains linalool, linalyl acetate, eugenol, beta-caryophyllene, (-)-Pin-2(3)-ene, citronellal, geraniol and d-limonene. May cause allergic reactions. Avoid direct contact with eyes and mucous membranes! Harmful to aquatic organisms, with long-term effect. Keep out of the reach of children. Dispose of contents / container to a recognized waste disposal facility.

Content: 0.02 Liter (€497.50* / 1 Liter)

insektoVet Spray 100 ml
insektoVet Spray 100 ml
RepellentSpray against fleas, biting insects, and fliesinsektoVet Spray is a highly effective repellent spray with long-term action. The active ingredient of the spray, containing an extract of the leaves of lemon eucalyptus, adheres to the skin and hair of the treated animal. The repellent active ingredient has an odor unattractive to flees, biting insects, and flies, and successfully prevents parasite infestation.excellent immediate protectionalso suitable for young animals (from 4 months on)up to 5 hours protection against flees, biting insects, and fliesfrees the coat from fleesadditional protection against ticks, horse biting lice, and flying insects, such as mosquitoes and horse fliesdermatologically testedExpert tip: Flea infestation: insektoVet Spray is highly recommended in combination with insektoVet Ambient Spray to combat fleas and their precursors in the ambience. 95% of fleas, flea eggs and larvae are in the ambience of the animal!Active substance: Eucalyptus citriodora oil hydrated, cyclized (EC Oil (H/C)) 100 g/L, BAuA Reg.-No.: N-84857. Origin of the active substance from the leaves of lemon eucalyptusApplication recommendation: Shake before use. Spray insektoVet Spray 1-2 x daily against the coat line, dampen coat evenly, then massage in. Do not spray directly on face and eye area, but treat accordingly with still wet hands. Avoid direct contact with eyes and mucous membranes!Quantity applied: Up to 250 ml bottle: cats, small dogs (<10 kg) 3-6 sprays, midsize dogs (<25 kg) 10-15 sprays, large dogs (>40 kg) 20-30 sprays. 1 spray = ca. 0.15 ml. From 500 ml bottle: medium dogs (<25 kg) 1-2 sprays, large dogs (>40 kg) 2-4 sprays. Horses: 20-30 sprays. 1 spray = ca. 1.3 ml.Storage not below 18°C.WARNING • Contains citronellol. May produce an allergic reaction. Causes serious eye irritation. Keep out of reach of children. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Dispose of contents/container to an authorized waste disposal site.Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Content: 0.1 Liter (€139.50* / 1 Liter)

insektoVet Ambient Spray 100 ml insektoVet Ambient Spray 100 ml
insektoVet Ambient Spray 100 ml
InsecticideInsecticide for the control of crawling insects in all stages of developmentinsektoVet Ambient Spray reliably controls crawling and stinging insects in all stages of development. Geraniol from the leaves of palmarosa geranium grass as an essential oil destroys the chitinous shell and gums up the tracheal respiration of pests of all kinds, arachnids and insects (ticks, mites, fleas, lice, moths, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, and horse biting lice), whereupon they dry out.acts immediately and reliablyagainst fleas, lice, ticks, mites and other crawling and stinging insects in all stages of developmentfor dogs‘ and cats‘ living, resting and lying placesalso applicable in the surrounding of young animals (from 4 months)no waiting time before re-entry after applicationalso excellent for prophylactic applicationpleasant fragranceActive substance: Geraniol 29 g/L. BAuA Reg.-No.: N-102123. With the active substance from the leaves of palmarosa geranium grass (Cymbopogon martinii).Application recommendation: Treatment of the surroundings of dogs or cats: spray on all areas where the animal stays. Sleeping and lying places, such as basket, blanket, etc., require preferential treatment. Control hidden sitting vermin by thoroughly spraying the hiding places and nests from a distance of approx. 5 cm. Before the first treatment, check sensitive surfaces for compatibility and material resistance.Application rate: approx. 5 ml/m². Up to 250 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 0.15 ml. From 500 ml bottle: 1 spray = ca. 1.3 ml. Shake before use!Storage not below 18°C.WARNING • Contains geraniol. May produce an allergic reaction. Causes serious eye irritation. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid breathing mist/spray. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water and soap. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Dispose of contents/container to an authorized waste disposal site. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Content: 0.1 Liter (€149.50* / 1 Liter)
