Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Natural ice cream mix for easy preparation of delicious ice cream for animals
- The healthy summer hit for dogs, cats and horses - rich in minerals and trace elements
- Provides important electrolytes, vital substances and energy, especially on hot days
- PetGelato ice cream mixes are easy to prepare and customisable
- The delicious ice cream for four-legged friends - Developed with animal naturopaths, veterinarians and pet owners
Product information "petGelato FrostyBerry 44 g"
Complementary feed (powder) for dogs and cats
A special kind of ice cream mixture - pampers your pet on hot summer days with a delicious cooling and can replenish electrolyte losses caused by sweating
Tasty and light!
The summer can come: The new petGelato varieties are here!
The fruity fresh varieties petGelato HappyApple and petGelato FrostyBerry score with excellent acceptance, even with the biggest sweet teeth. Not only are they a hit with our four-legged friends in terms of taste, but they also supply them with high-quality protein, provide instant energy, and quickly replenish the electrolyte stores affected by the heat. This makes petGelato HappyApple and petGelato FrostyBerry the ideal summer refreshment for demanding four-legged friends who don‘t let dog days slow them down.
Expert tip: As ramekins for our dogs can be used special ice cream containers. The popsicle stick is simply replaced with a cowhide stick instead of wooden handle. Empty chewing hooves can also be filled. Thus, after cooling down, the dog has another fun: 2 in 1, first lick then chew.
Cats like it rather in small portions? No problem, simply fill an ice cube tray and take out petGelato in portions.
Composition: sweet whey powder, strawberry pomace, beetroot, dextrose, Dead Sea salt
Analytical constituents: crude protein 12.1%, crude fat 2.5%, crude fiber 6.4%, crude ash 8.3%
Feeding recommendation: Mix 44 g of ice powder well with 200 ml of water and allow to swell for 15-20 minutes. Pour into suitable containers and freeze completely, depending on the size of the ice container ca. 1-2.5 hours.
Small dogs/cats: 1-2 ice cubes a day (small ice). Midsize dogs: 3-5 ice cubes a day (medium ice). Large dogs: 4-8 ice cubes a day (large ice).
Fütterungsempfehlung: 44 g Eispulver mit 200 ml Wasser gut vermischen und 15-20 Minuten quellen lassen. In geeignete Behälter füllen und vollständig gefrieren lassen, je nach Größe des Eisbehälters ca. 1-2,5 Stunden.
Kleine Hunde/Katzen: 1-2 Eiswürfel am Tag (kleines Eis). Mittelgroße Hunde: 3-5 Eiswürfel am Tag (mittleres Eis). Große Hunde: 4-8 Eiswürfel am Tag (großes Eis).
Zusammensetzung: Süßmolkepulver, Erdbeertrester, Rote Beete, Dextrose, Totes Meer Salz.
Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 12,1%, Rohfett 2,5%, Rohfaser 6,4%, Rohasche 8,3%.

Treats for your pet should not only be healthy, but also delicious. petGelato from cdVet is the perfect balance of benefit and pleasure.