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The horse's immune system

The immune system – the "defense system" against everything that could cause damage from the outside – is a complex system. There is an external and an internal defense function. If the organism is in balance, the protective barrier works over the skin and mucous membrane. Protection is provided by the acid mantle of the skin, the stomach and intestinal mucous membrane, or also by the secretion of the nostrils and bronchial mucous membrane. Unwanted intruders are killed, for example, by stomach acid or covered with mucus and eliminated from the body.

If this system is disrupted, defense follows via the blood. Invading enemies are repelled and "eaten" by special blood cells, the leukocytes. In order to make this defense as effective as possible, these blood cells multiply. In some cases, special blood cells also form. Lymphocytes that are physiologically present in the blood can specialize and react faster and better if another intrusion occurs. They have memorized the "enemy" and immediately bind the pathogen. This process is also known as the key-lock system, or antigen-antibody formation. The organism is now immune to this intruder. This function is also used in vaccinations.

How do immune system disorders occur?

For this system to work, good, species-appropriate housing and feeding are essential. Harmful influences can be:

Stress caused by changing stables or unsettled herd conditions
Unfavourable living conditions with little access to the meadow (exercise, fresh air, sun)
Poor forage quality (dust pollution, mold formation)
Disturbed intestinal flora (e.g. after taking antibiotics, chemical worming treatments)
Malnutrition in the micronutrient area (lack of herbs in the meadows)
Extreme weather conditions

Foals are particularly vulnerable due to their young, immature immune systems. Older foals are also more prone to infections because metabolic processes are slower.

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EquiGreen HuminoMineral 1 kg
EquiGreen HuminoMineral 1 kg
Mineral complementary feed for horsesHigh-quality nutrient source with HuminoMin® complex, powderEquiGreen HuminoMineral cosists of the unique HuminoMin-Complex® and natural nutrients. It is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Particularly noteworthy is its high content of zinc and magnesium. EquiGreen HuminoMineral also contains a lot of folic acid as well as vitamin E, B vitamins, ß-carotene, sulfur, potassium, and selenium.Special feature of the HuminoMin® complex: Intestinal health and environmental conditions also play a role that should not be underestimated when it comes to the absorption and utilization of the required micronutrients. This is where the HuminoMin® complex comes in: Due to its elaborate composition, the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine are protected and supported in their function, which favors the absorption of necessary micronutrients. In addition, the HuminoMin complex supports the regulation of acid-base balance and is characterized by excellent cell-protecting antioxidant properties.Due to the high toxin-binding properties of the HuminoMin® complex, toxins from bacteria and fungi or also toxins supplied from outside, such as glyphosate, are already bound in the intestine and excreted via the feces. This reduces the burden on the organism because the toxins do not enter the blood, and organs and tissues remain protected. The presence of glyphosate in more and more feedstuffs, of plant and also animal origin, can lead to a deficiency of micronutrients, although there would actually be enough minerals and trace elements. These nutrients cannot be absorbed because they are bound by glyphosate.HuminoMin® complex: • mucosal protection for stomach and intestine • toxin binding in the intestine • excellent feed conversion - micronutrients are better absorbed • cell protection through antioxidant properties • regulation of acid-base balance • support of the immune defense by balancing the lack of mineralsComposition: maerl, sunflower seed expeller, malt rootlets, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), peaAdditives/kg: Technological additives: clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 20 g.Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents: calcium 15.4%, phosphorus 0.26%, sodium 0.26%, magnesium 1.04%, ash insoluble in HCl 6%Feeding recommendation: Add approx. 30 g/animal daily to the feed. In case of special need (in the change of coat, in the last third of gestation, during lactation) the daily feeding amount should be increased to 60-120 g/animal. 1 tbsp. corresponds to ca. 11.5 g.

EquiGreen Prebiotic 1 kg
EquiGreen Prebiotic 1 kg
Complementary feed for horsesFeeding-related support for a stable digestion, powderIn a healthy intestine, the balance of the intestinal flora is intact. Pathogenic bacteria thus do not find an ideal habitat and can develop only with great difficulty. Since a large part of the immune system is located in the intestine, an intact intestinal flora favors a well-functioning immune system.EquiGreen Prebiotic contains a special mineral complex that has toxin-binding capabilities. In particular, EquiGreen Prebiotic supports the intestine in the binding power of liquids (e.g. in liquid feces). The development of a healthy intestinal flora is essential for a healthy development.A healthy intestinal flora means: • optimal feed intake and conversion • displacement of harmful germs • recommended in case of liquid fecesComposition: linseed expeller, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS)Additives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 100 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Analytical constituents: crude protein 13.8%, crude fat 3.3%, crude fiber 3.2%, crude ash 12.0%, ash insoluble in HCl 10.0%, calcium 0.65%, phosphor 0.27%, sodium 0.05%Feeding recommendation: Add daily 5-10 g/100 kg body weight to the feed. As required, the feeding amount can be increased. 1 tbsp. corresponds to ca. 10 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Variants from €15.95*

How can the immune system be strengthened?

In addition to an adequate supply of vitamin C, special attention should also be paid to nutrition in terms of micronutrients. Coat change, growth or existing functional disorders such as EMS, tendency to laminitis, or horses prone to allergies require a large number of micronutrients every day.

Due to meadows lacking herbs and the often resulting insufficient hay quality, important secondary plant substances for maintaining health are also missing from the diet. These "building blocks" for regeneration should be made available daily in a good, bioavailable form. The pillars of a good immune defense include, among other things, an adequate supply of zinc and selenium from natural sources. To ensure good absorption, the acid-base balance should be regulated.