Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Rein natürliches Mineralergänzungsfuttermittel mit hoher Bioverfügbarkeit für Kleintiere wie Kaninchen, Hamster, Meerschweinchen, Chinchillas und anderer Nager
- Versorgt Nager und Kleintiere mit wichtigen Vitaminen, Spurenelementen, Aminosäuren und ausgesuchten Kräutern
- Enthält 100% rein natürliche Inhaltsstoffe und kann die natürliche Mineralisierung und Vitaminabsicherung unterstützen
- Bewährte Rezeptur - von Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern empfohlen
- Deutsches Qualitätsprodukt direkt vom Hersteller auf rein pflanzlicher Basis
Product information "MicroMineral Rodents 25 g"
Mineral feed
For the appropriate feeding of small animals
Daily supply of minerals, trace elements and vitamins
MicroMineral contains 100% pure natural ingredients, which are rich in natural, readily available micronutrients such as minerals, trace elements, vitamins, etc., and because of their herbal origin, do not burden the detoxification organs further. An optimal natural supply of minerals like calcium, magnesium and a complex of essential trace elements and alginates is thus made possible. Especially by feeding commercial feeds a shortage quickly develops because many substances are damaged, changed or destroyed by industrial and thermal processing. Synthetic supplements cannot dissolve this deficiency completely. Therefore, MicroMineral should not be lacking in any diet. As a supplement to dry feed, hay, fruits and vegetables for the natural supply of minerals and vitamins.
An optimal micronutrients is particular attention:
- in growth
- change of coat
- for use breeding
- with stress
- for coat and skin problems
- in older animals
- for metabolic problems and allergies
Possible consequences of trace element and micronutrient deficiencies:
- problems with change of coat
- scaly skin
- mat coat
- developmental growth
- degeneration of bones and joints
- weakened immune system
- early signs of aging
- susceptibility to stress
- birth difficulties
A disturbed intestinal flora is often another cause of deficiency symptoms. Therefore, a 14-day intensive feeding with GutClean is recommended.
Composition: maerl, brewers yeast, malt rootles, seaweed meal, grape pips meal
Analytical constituents and levels: calcium 17,0%, magnesium 1,25%, potassium 0.65% phosphorus 0.25%, sodium 0.65%,ash insoluble in HCl 6,0%
Feeding recommendation: add one pinch to the feed daily

Nager & Co.
Whether flying, crawling or swimming - cdVet has a variety of support to offer even for the smallest animals, which have a positive effect on their well-being. Whether birds, rodents, reptiles or fish: to support the health of pets, cdVet has the right nutrition and care concept for every animal.