Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Nager und Kaninchen zur optimalen Versorgung mit Vitaminen und Folsäure
- Enthält schonend getrocknetes Obst und zeichnet sich durch seinen natürlichen Vitamin C- Gehalt aus
- enthält 100% natürliche Inhaltsstoffe und ist reich an Ballaststoffen
- Mit Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
- Deutsches Qualitätsprodukt - direkt vom Hersteller
Product information "Rodent Fruit Vit C 40 g"
Complementary feed for rodents
For supplementation of the daily ration with vitamins of natural origin, powder
Rodent Fruit Vit C is made from selected ingredients to enable a well-balanced nourishment with feeding. It complements the requirement of vitamins (Niacin, Riboflavine (B2), folic acids, E, A, K, C), flavonoids (polyphenols) as well as fiber.
Composition: aronia pomace, apple pomace, strawberry pomace, black currant pomace, rose hip husks, malt rootlets, brewers‘ yeast
Analytical constituents and levels: crude ash 3.4%, crude protein 11.0%, crude fat 6.1%, crude fiber 25.9%, calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.26%
Feeding recommendation: 0.5-1 tsp. as required. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 2.4 g.

Nager & Co.
Whether flying, crawling or swimming - cdVet has a variety of support to offer even for the smallest animals, which have a positive effect on their well-being. Whether birds, rodents, reptiles or fish: to support the health of pets, cdVet has the right nutrition and care concept for every animal.