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Singulares Organic Moringa 100 g


Product information "Singulares Organic Moringa 100 g"

Feed material

High quality source of nutrients and vital substances - rich in iron, vitamins, and antioxidants, powder

Singulares Bio-Moringa from gently dried leaves belongs with its essential proteins, vitamins and minerals to one of the most nutritious plants ever. Singulares Bio-Moringa comes from organically grown cultivation directly from Africa. Handpicked and gently dried and ground, it stands for the highest quality. The powder is directly and fairly traded.

Moringa contains 90 essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, all essential amino acids and phytonutrients in a highly concentrated form.

- High-quality source of amino acids with an ideal amino acid profile

- Is one of the richest iron plants in the world

- Rich in vitamins, very good source of A, B and C -Vitamins

- Rich in antioxydants

Composition: organic moringa powder 100%

From controlled organic cultivation, Eco-Control-Center DE-ÖKO-001, non-EU agriculture

Analytical constituents: crude fiber 9%

Feeding recommendation (powder): Cats, rabbits: daily 1 knife point. Dogs: daily 1 g/10 kg of body weight. Horses: daily 20-30 g/animal. 1 tsp. corresponds to ca. 2.2 g.

We recommend a slow increase of the feeding amount up to the indicated number of grams.

Feeding recomendation (capsules): Cats: daily 1 capsule. Dogs: daily 5 capsules/10 kg body weight. Capsule filling quantity: ca. 0.17 g.

We recommend a slow increase of the feeding amount up to the indicated number of capsules.

Application "Singulares Organic Moringa 100 g"
Fütterungsempfehlung (Pulver): Katzen, Kaninchen: täglich 1 Messerspitze. Hunde: täglich 1 g/10 kg Körpergewicht. Pferde: täglich 20-30 g/Tier. 1 TL entspricht ca. 2,2 g. Wir empfehlen eine langsame Steigerung der Fütterungsmenge bis zur angegebenen Grammzahl. Fütterungsempfehlung (Kapseln): Katzen: täglich 1 Kapsel. Hunde: täglich 5 Kapseln/10 kg Körpergewicht. Kapselfüllmenge: ca. 0,17 g. Wir empfehlen eine langsame Steigerung der Fütterungsmenge bis zur angegebenen Kapselanzahl.
Tab 2 headline "Singulares Organic Moringa 100 g"
Zusammensetzung: Bio-Moringapulver 100% Aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau, Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-001, Nicht-EU-Landwirtschaft Analytische Bestandteile: Rohfaser 9%


The S1ngulares brand includes all individual supplements from cdVet. The uniform line is particularly suitable for pet owners who want to tailor their pet's daily menu to their individual needs.

Whether as a supplement to the BARF program or to complement a nutritionally specific diet - S1ngulares offers the highest quality!

Manufacturer website

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