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BARF mit cdVet

   Um Ihre BARF-Fütterung optimal zu ergänzen und das Immunsystem sowie die Abwehrkräfte Ihres Hundes zu stärken, haben wir bei cdVet eine Auswahl speziell konzipierter Ergänzungsprodukte für Ihren Hund entwickelt. 

 Unsere hochwertigen Formeln bestehen aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Inhaltsstoffen, die dazu beitragen können, die Immunabwehr zu fördern und die allgemeine Gesundheit zu unterstützen. Von antioxidativen Vitaminen bis hin zu natürlichen Immunverstärkern bieten unsere Produkte die Zusatzpflege, die Ihr Hund benötigt, um stark und vital zu bleiben. Und das ist nicht alles! Bei cdVet verstehen wir, dass jeder Hund einzigartig ist.

 Deshalb haben wir unseren personalisierten BARF-Rechner entwickelt, der Ihnen hilft, das ideale BARF-Menü für Ihren Vierbeiner zu finden. Geben Sie Ihrem Hund die Unterstützung, die er verdient und entdecken Sie unsere Auswahl an exklusiven Fit-BARF Ergänzungsprodukten. Ein gesundes Hundeleben beginnt mit cdVet.

 Für weitere umfassende Informationen zum BARFen und um Ihre Fragen beantwortet zu bekommen, erkunden Sie unsere BARF FAQ-Seite und erfahren Sie mehr über das BARFen mit unseren umfassenden Ressourcen.

Mineralien & Vitamine 


Natürliche Mineralstoffzusätze können dazu beitragen, potenzielle Nährstofflücken in einer hausgemachten BARF-Diät auszugleichen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Haustiere alle notwendigen Mineralstoffe für ihre optimale Gesundheit erhalten.

Verbesserte Knochengesundheit:

 Mineralstoffe wie Kalzium und Phosphor sind für starke Knochen und Zähne unerlässlich. Eine angemessene Ergänzung kann die Knochendichte und die allgemeine Skelettgesundheit Ihres Haustiers erhalten.

Gesteigerte Immunität:
 Bestimmte Mineralstoffe wie Zink und Selen spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Unterstützung eines starken Immunsystems. Die Zugabe von ihnen zur Ernährung kann dazu beitragen, dass Ihre Haustiere Infektionen abwehren und gesünder bleiben.

Gesunde Haut und Fell:
 Mineralstoffe wie Zink und Kupfer sind entscheidend für die Aufrechterhaltung gesunder Haut und eines glänzenden Fells. Ergänzungen können zum allgemeinen Erscheinungsbild und Wohlbefinden Ihrer Haustiere beitragen.

 Einige Mineralstoffe wie Magnesium können bei der ordnungsgemäßen Verdauung helfen. Sie können auch dazu beitragen, häufig auftretende Magen-Darm-Probleme zu verhindern.

Individuellen Bedürfnissen angepasst: 
BARF-Diäten können je nach den spezifischen Anforderungen Ihrer Haustiere variieren. Es ist wichtig, die Mineralstoffzusätze entsprechend anzupassen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie optimal von Ihren Tieren aufgenommen werden.
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Singulares Bog
Singulares Bog
Feed material for dogs, cats, horses and other petsNutrition-related support of the gastrointestinal activity, powderNatural bog consists of organic matter from primordial plants. Its numerous humic acids, minerals, and trace elements make it an excellent supplementary feed. It supports the gastrointestinal activity in a natural way and can have a regulating effect on the production of excess gastric acid when fed regularly. In addition, it has a positive influence on feces and litter eating dogs.Composition: peat (dried)Analytical constituents: crude fiber 19.4%, ash insoluble in HCl 4%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed as required. Cats, rodents: 1-2 g/animal. Dogs: 2 g/10 kg body weight. Horses: 4.5-8 g/100 kg body weight. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 4 g.

Fit-BARF Safe-Complete
Fit-BARF Safe-Complete
Complementary feed (powder) for dogsNatural complementary feed for protection against coarse feeding deficiencies, powderMany dog owners, feeding their dogs with raw meat, assume that with a food ration based on the prey animal, the nutritional needs of their dogs are optimally covered. Nowadays, however, the ingredients used mostly come from industrial animal husbandry, which are often fed very one-sided and with regard to weight and growth and not to an optimal nutrient supply. In the past, when farm animals were kept on species- and herb-rich pastures and received feed mostly from their own cultivation, their diet was much more varied and above all rich in secondary plant substances. Nowadays, the latter are almost completely absent from farm animal feed for the reasons mentioned above.Our dogs and cats need these secondary plant substances, which they originally found in the bodies of their prey, in order to remain permanently healthy and efficient.Fit-BARF Safe-Complete was developed for this purpose. Its broad spectrum of micronutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, rounded off with herbs, algae, and other high-quality natural ingredients, compensates for the lack of secondary plant substances and other natural micronutrients in feeds of animal origin and thus enables a species-appropriate healthy nutrition. The calcium content of Fit-BARF Safe-Complete is very moderate and therefore it is especially suitable as a supplement in bone feeding, as well as a safeguard when feeding larger portions of leftovers.Composition: maerl, grass, herbs, legume plant, linseed, apple pomace, parsnip root, aronia pomace, black currant pomace, eggshell powder, peat, sunflower seed expeller, malt rootlets, carrot pomace, brewers’ yeast, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), celery tuber, moringaAnalytical constituents: crude ash 24.7%, crude protein 11.0%, crude fat 6.4%, crude fiber 13.2%, ash insoluble in HCl 2.6%, calcium 8.46%, phosphorus 0.29%, sodium 0.14%Feeding recommendation: Add 5 g/10 kg body weight daily to the feed. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 3 g.

Fit-BARF Herbs
Fit-BARF Herbs
Complementary feed for dogsHigh quality herbs for natural supplementation in raw meat feeding, structural herbsFit-BARF herbs supports your dog in a situation in which higher demands are placed on the organism (for example in training, in pregnancy, in the change of coat, in growth or after surviving illness). Fit-BARF herbs replaces the lack of secondary phytochemicals in feeding today and supports the liver and kidneys, digestion and bile flow. In combination with cdVet HuminoMineral, it forms an optimal basic supply for raw feeding.Composition: stinging nettle herb, birch leaf, milk thistle herb, dandelion herb, dandelion root (dried and cut).Analytical constituents: crude protein 14.3%, crude fat 3.5%, crude fiber 17.9%, crude ash 12.1%, calcium 1.82%, phosphorus 0.32%, sodium 0.39% (those values are subject to natural fluctuations).Feeding recommendation: Give 1.25-2.5 g/15 kg body weight 1 x daily onto the feed. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 1.7 g. Fit-BARF Herbs can also be prepared as a dog tea: 2.5 g/500 ml water.

Kräuter, Pflanze, Essen, Ketchup
Singulares Organic Coconut Grated
Feed material for dogs and cats100% pulp in raw food qualitySingulares Organic Coconut Grated from cdVet consists of 100% fresh pulp and is free of additives such as preservatives, colors or flavors. Since it is only dried and not heated after harvesting, all important nutrients are preserved. Grated coconuts are naturally free of lactose and gluten, so that they can also complement the diet of allergy sufferers.High content of dietary fiberSuitable for a vegetarian and vegan dietVery good acceptanceComposition: 100% grated bio coconut, Organic Control Center DE-ECO-001 Non-EU-Agriculture.Analytical constituents: crude fat 66.6%, crude protein 6.7%, crude fibre 14.9%.Feeding recommendation: Give 0.5 m.s. per 10 kg body weight 3-4 times a week over the feed. 1 m.s. (measuring spoon) corresponds to approx. 1.3 g. The information is only a guide. Fresh water should always be available.Store cool and dry.

Singulares Seaweed Meal
Singulares Seaweed Meal
Feed material (powder) for dogs and catsFor the demand-oriented supply when feeding raw meatAscophyllum nodosum is also called knotted kelp. Due to its high content of minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, it is ideal as a regular feed additive. These natural ingredients not only provide an optimal, natural provision, but also optimally bring out the breed-specific coat color of your pet. The coat is nutritional-related supported, and the naturally contained iodine content optimizes the thyroid function.Composition: Ascophyllum nodosum 100%Analytical constituents: crude protein 6.6%, crude fat 3.4%, crude ash 26.4%, iodine 0.08%Feeding recommendation: Add daily 0.25-0.5 g/10 kg body weight to the feed. As required, the feeding amount can be increased. 1 quarter tsp. corresponds to approx. 0.6 g.Do not feed to animals with hyperthyroidism!

Kräuterig, Pflanze, Essen, Ketchup, Mayonaise
Fit-BARF Organic Rosehip Husks
Feed material (powder) for dogsFor the demand-oriented supply when feeding raw meatFit-BARF Organic Rosehip Husks from controlled organic cultivation are rich in high-quality vitamin C, fruit acids, pectins, and carotenoids.Composition: 100% rosehip husks cut, textured from controlled organic cultivation. Eco-Control-Center DE-ÖKO-001, non-EU agriculture.Analytical constituents: crude fiber 14.9%Feeding recommendation: Add 1 g/5 kg body weight to the feed. 1 half tsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 1.5 g.

Fit-BARF MicroMineral
Fit-BARF MicroMineral
Mineral complementary feed for dogs and catsFor the demand-oriented of dogs and cats - daily supply of minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, powderFit-BARF MicroMineral contains 100% purely natural ingredients, which are rich in natural, easily available micronutrients, such as minerals, trace elements, vitamins, etc. Due to their plant origin, the detoxification organs are not further burdened, which allows an optimal, natural micronutrient supply of calcium, magnesium, a whole complex of vital trace elements and alginates thus.Special attention should be paid to an optimal micronutrient supply: • in growth • in fur changing • in training and competition use • in breeding • at stress • at problems with fur and skin • at older animals • at metabolism problems and allergiesPossible consequences of nutrient deficiency: • problems with the fur change • flaky skin • dull fur • developmental delay • degeneration of bones and joints • weakened immune system • early signs of aging • susceptibility to stress • birth difficultiesTip of an expert: A disturbed intestinal flora is often another cause of deficiency symptoms. Therefore, a 14-day intensive feeding with cdVet GutClean is recommended. Other symptoms of a nutritional deficiency include eating garbage (such as dirt, excrements, etc.) and a delayed fur change.Composition: maerl, malt rootlets, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS)Analytical constituents: calcium 17.0%, magnesium 1.25%, potassium 0.65%, phosphorus 0.25%, sodium 0.65%, ash insoluble in HCl 6.0%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Dogs: 3 g/10 kg body weight. Cats: 2 g/5 kg bodyweight. 1 half tsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 2.1 g.

herbaBARF Complete Powder
herbaBARF Complete Powder
herbaBARF Complete Powder

Singulares Collagen
Singulares Collagen
Feed materialCollagen can strengthen joints and increase their resistance to injury via its contained protein components. By providing these cartilage-building substances, cartilage density can be increased through self-regulation and regeneration of the organism.These ingredients can help to improve skin health. Skin own structures combine with collagen. Skin elasticity and moisture retention can be increased. Cracks and dry skin areas can be stimulated to regenerate.can strengthen the joints via the contained protein componentscartilage density can be increased by self-regulation and regeneration of the organismskin elasticity and moisture retention can also be increasedComposition: porcine collagen hydrolysate 100%Analytical constituents: crude protein 90%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Dogs/cats: 1 g/5kg body weight. Horses: 10 g/100 kg body weight. 1 tsp. corresponds to ca. 1.8 g / 1 tbsp. = ca. 5.5 g.It is recommended to feed the highest daily amount at the beginning. As the animal‘s ability of movement improves, the daily amount can be gradually reduced.

Kräuterig, Pflanze, Essen, Ketchup, Mayonaise
Fit-BARF Organic Meadow
Feed materialsEcological herb blend - the seed mixture of the cultivated area consists of 13 different species of clover, herbs, and grassesThe specially selected organic herb combination supports the body in its natural regulation and offers it a variety of valuable alkaline elements. All herbs come from controlled organic cultivation.Supplier of natural bases - regulation of the acid-base householdHigh-quality chlorophyll supplierRich in secondary plant substancesGood source of minerals, vitamins, and trace elementsHerbal blend from organic farmingThe seed mixture of the cultivated area consists of 13 different clover, herb and grass species (alfalfa, red clover, white clover, hop clover, bird‘s-foot trefoil, sainfoin, meadow caraway, burnet-saxifrage, yarrow, wild carrot, ribwort plantain, timothy-grass, smooth meadow-grass) and young Jerusalem artichoke herb from organic farming according to Bioland guidelines!Composition: grass, herbs, and legume plants, dried (the proportion of the individual species is subject to natural fluctuations). Eco-Control-Center DE-ÖKO-001 Germany-AgricultureAnalytical constituents: crude fiber 24.1%Feeding recommendation: replace the usual daily amount of vegetables with: small dogs 4.5 g, midsize dogs 9 g, large dogs 12 g. 1 teaspoon is approx. 3 g.

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Singulares Salmon Oil 1 L
Singulares Salmon Oil 1 L
Feed material for dogs and catsNatural source of omega-3 fatty acidOmega -3 fatty acids belong to the essential nutrients. Because of the dog‘s body, it cannot produce itself. It must be obtained from food. Just as animal source, salmon oil is particularly suitable for optimizing the supply of these special fatty acids.Composition: 100% Salmon oilFeeding recommendatoins:Daily small dogs and cats 1 teaspoon, medium dogs 2 teaspoons, large dogs 3 teaspoonsAfter opening, keep it cool and dark and use within 6 weeks!

Variants from €5.95*
herbaBARF Oil 3-6-9 100 ml
herbaBARF Oil 3-6-9 100 ml
Complementary feed for dogs and catsSelected oils for first-class support of skin, coat, joints, and immune systemherbaBARF Oil 3-6-9 is a pure natural product with a balanced fatty acid pattern from fish and cold-pressed plant oils. Naturally contained vitamin E contributes to cover and prevent nutrition-related deficiency symptoms, such as dull coat, itchy and flaky skin, or hair loss. Due to its content of essential omega-3 fatty acids, it provides excellent support for healthy joints and a functioning immune system. Naturally contained omega-6 fatty acids significantly support growth and repair processes. Omega-9 fatty acids have a positive influence on fat metabolism, nerve conduction, and the hormonal system.provides the essential omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPAcontains the essential omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acidfor a shiny coat and healthy skinstrengthens the immune systemideal BARF supplement for dogs and catsComposition: Linseed oil, salmon oil, borage oilAnalytical constituents: Raw protein 0.3%, raw fat 99.6%, raw fiber 0.5%, raw ash 0.4%How to use: Add daily to the feed. Small dogs, cats 0.5 tsp., midsize dogs 1 tsp., large dogs 1.5 tsp.Store it cool and dark! Once opened, use within 6 weeks!

Content: 0.1 Liter (€129.50* / 1 Liter)

herbaBARF Oil 3-6-9
herbaBARF Oil 3-6-9
Complementary feed for dogs and catsSelected oils for first-class support of skin, coat, joints, and immune systemherbaBARF Oil 3-6-9 is a pure natural product with a balanced fatty acid pattern from fish and cold-pressed plant oils. Naturally contained vitamin E contributes to cover and prevent nutrition-related deficiency symptoms, such as dull coat, itchy and flaky skin, or hair loss. Due to its content of essential omega-3 fatty acids, it provides excellent support for healthy joints and a functioning immune system. Naturally contained omega-6 fatty acids significantly support growth and repair processes. Omega-9 fatty acids have a positive influence on fat metabolism, nerve conduction, and the hormonal system.provides the essential omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPAcontains the essential omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acidfor a shiny coat and healthy skinstrengthens the immune systemideal BARF supplement for dogs and catsComposition: Linseed oil, salmon oil, borage oilAnalytical constituents: Raw protein 0.3%, raw fat 99.6%, raw fiber 0.5%, raw ash 0.4%How to use: Add daily to the feed. Small dogs, cats 0.5 tsp., midsize dogs 1 tsp., large dogs 1.5 tsp.Store it cool and dark! Once opened, use within 6 weeks!

Fit-BARF Feeding Oil 500 ml
Complementary feed for dogs and catsFit-Barf Feeding Oil is a purely natural basic oil and is generally intended as optimal energy carrier.Fit-BARF Feeding Oil is a mixture of high-grated cold-pressed vegetable oils. Cold-pressed, food-grade linseed oil forms the basis of this purely natural feeding oil. This admixed functional oils (evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil and argan oil) ensures the optimal, well-balanced maintenance with essential fatty acids. Through this combination of pure naturally ingredients Fit-BARF Feeding Oil is a high-concentrated energy source and similarly an origin of significant vital substances of selected oils in one product.Composition:Linseed oil, evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil, argan oil.Analytical constituents: Crude protein 0.1%, crude fat 99.6%, crude fiber 0.1%, crude ash 0.2.Feeding recommendation: Daily small dogs and cats 0.5 teaspoon, medium dogs 1 teaspoon, large dogs 1.5 teaspoons.After opening, keep cool and dark and use within 6 weeks!

Content: 0.5 Liter (€41.90* / 1 Liter)

Fit-BARF Gold Omega-3+D3
Fit-BARF Gold Omega-3+D3
Complementary feed for dogs and catsSelected oils for first-class support for skin, coat, joints, and immune systemIn this composition cdVet combines vitality and power of no less than three outstanding fatty acid suppliers. Linseed and salmon oil are an excellent source of vital omega-3 fatty acids and of a considerable amount of vitamin E. Borage oil rounds out the blend perfectly with unsaturated omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. These proven oils provide first-class support for the skin, coat, joints, and immune system.Composition: linseed oil, salmon oil, borage oil.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.3%, crude, fat 99.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, crude ash 0.4%.Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Small dogs, cats 0.5 tsp., midsize dogs 1 tsp., large dogs 1.5 tsp.Once opened, keep refrigerated and dark, and use within 6 weeks!



Es gibt Omega-3- und Omega-6-Fettsäuren. Jeder Hund und jede Katze brauchen zum Leben Fettsäuren, von denen sie fast alle selbst herstellen können. 

 Bis auf zwei: die Omega-6-Fettsäure Linolsäure und die Omega-3-Fettsäure Alpha-Linolensäure. Diese beiden mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren werden als essenziell bezeichnet, da sie von außen (mit der Nahrung) zugeführt werden müssen.


Die wichtigsten Omega-6-Fettsäuren sind die Arachidonsäure, die Linolsäure und die GammaLinolensäure. Sie beeinflussen viele Funktionen des Körpers auf ähnliche Weise, unterscheiden sich aber auch in einigen Wirkungen. Eine gute Versorgung mit mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren ist allgemein positiv für viele Körperprozesse. Omega-6-Fettsäuren sind beispielsweise für das Wachstum, zur Wundheilung oder zur Infektionsabwehr notwendig. Ein Mangel an Omega-6-Fettsäuren ist äußerst selten. Zum einen enthalten viele Futtermittel (Fleisch!!!) Omega-6-Fettsäuren, zum anderen kann der Körper Linolsäure gut speichern.


Eicosapentaensäure (EPA) Docasahexaensäure (DHA) Alpha-Linolensäure (ALA) EPA, DHA: Die Fettsäure Eicosapentaensäure (EPA) ist die Grundlage für die Bildung von Eicosanoiden. Diese spielen u.a. eine wichtige Rolle im Immunsystem und in der Blutgerinnung. Docasahexaensäure (DHA) ist wichtiger Bestandteil von Membranen z.B. im Nervensystem, wirkt als Radikalfänger und kann Blutgefäße erweitern. Omega-3-Fettsäuren sind entzündungshemmend und können, bei regelmäßiger Verabreichung, nachhaltig zur Verbesserung des Immunsystems beitragen.

Obst & Gemüse

Bei der artgerechten Fütterung von Haustieren wie Hund und Katze denkt man in erster Linie an Fleisch und Knochen. Dennoch darf es unseren Kameraden auch an ausreichend Barf-Gemüse- und Obst nicht fehlen. 
 Diesen kommt bei der Fütterung eine ganze Reihe an Bedeutungen zu. Obst und Gemüse sind natürliche Quellen für Vitamine und Mineralstoffe, die zur Gesundheit Ihrer Haustiere beitragen können. Diese Nährstoffe unterstützen das Immunsystem, die Verdauung und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden.

Ballaststoffe für die Verdauung:

Die in Obst und Gemüse enthaltenen Ballaststoffe fördern eine gesunde Verdauung und können Verstopfung vorbeugen. Antioxidantien: Viele Obst- und Gemüsesorten sind reich an Antioxidantien, die dazu beitragen können, Zellschäden zu reduzieren und das Altern zu verlangsamen.


Die Fasern in Obst und Gemüse können dazu beitragen, das Gewicht Ihrer Haustiere zu kontrollieren, indem sie ein Sättigungsgefühl erzeugen und die Kalorienaufnahme regulieren. Geschmackliche Vielfalt: Das Hinzufügen von Obst- und Gemüseergänzungen kann die Geschmacksvielfalt in der Fütterung erhöhen und die Akzeptanz der Mahlzeiten durch Ihre Haustiere fördern.
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Fit-BARF Safe-Complete
Fit-BARF Safe-Complete
Complementary feed (powder) for dogsNatural complementary feed for protection against coarse feeding deficiencies, powderMany dog owners, feeding their dogs with raw meat, assume that with a food ration based on the prey animal, the nutritional needs of their dogs are optimally covered. Nowadays, however, the ingredients used mostly come from industrial animal husbandry, which are often fed very one-sided and with regard to weight and growth and not to an optimal nutrient supply. In the past, when farm animals were kept on species- and herb-rich pastures and received feed mostly from their own cultivation, their diet was much more varied and above all rich in secondary plant substances. Nowadays, the latter are almost completely absent from farm animal feed for the reasons mentioned above.Our dogs and cats need these secondary plant substances, which they originally found in the bodies of their prey, in order to remain permanently healthy and efficient.Fit-BARF Safe-Complete was developed for this purpose. Its broad spectrum of micronutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, rounded off with herbs, algae, and other high-quality natural ingredients, compensates for the lack of secondary plant substances and other natural micronutrients in feeds of animal origin and thus enables a species-appropriate healthy nutrition. The calcium content of Fit-BARF Safe-Complete is very moderate and therefore it is especially suitable as a supplement in bone feeding, as well as a safeguard when feeding larger portions of leftovers.Composition: maerl, grass, herbs, legume plant, linseed, apple pomace, parsnip root, aronia pomace, black currant pomace, eggshell powder, peat, sunflower seed expeller, malt rootlets, carrot pomace, brewers’ yeast, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), celery tuber, moringaAnalytical constituents: crude ash 24.7%, crude protein 11.0%, crude fat 6.4%, crude fiber 13.2%, ash insoluble in HCl 2.6%, calcium 8.46%, phosphorus 0.29%, sodium 0.14%Feeding recommendation: Add 5 g/10 kg body weight daily to the feed. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 3 g.

Fit-BARF Fruit
Fit-BARF Fruit
Complementary feed for dogs and catsFor supplementation of the daily ration with fruit, powderFit-BARF Fruit is made from selected ingredients to enable a well-balanced nourishment with feeding. It complements the requirement of vitamins (Niacin, Riboflavine (B2), folic acids, E, A, K, C), flavonoids (polyphenols) as well as fiber.Fit-BARF Fruit is free of grain and a healthy alternative to vegetables. It does not bring only variety, but also a balance in the BARF feeding plan. In combination with Fit-BARF MicroMineral, the basis is thus laid for healthy raw feeding.Composition: aronia pomace, apple pomace 20.5%, strawberry pomace, black currant pomace, rose hip husks, malt rootlets, brewers‘ yeastAnalytical constituents and levels: crude ash 3.4%, crude protein 11.0%, crude fat 6.1%, crude fiber 25.9%, calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.26%Feeding recommendation: Give 4 g/10 kg body weight 1-2 x a week onto the feed. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 2.4 g.

Essen, Ketchup, Mayonaise
Fit-BARF Vital
Complementary feed (powder) for dogs and catsTo complement the daily ration when feeding raw meat with vegetables and fruit - energy supplier, athletes‘ nutritionEnergy is not only performance in the sense of fat and carbohydrates, but also in the sense of vital energy. Thanks to its carefully processed ingredients, Fit-BARF Vital provides the body with enormous bioenergetic power, which can be useful not only in sports. This energy is also helpful for the entire immune system, the constitution and, of course, for strengthening the body. It also strengthens the body‘s resources in the event of increased stress. Fit-BARF Vital also contains a particularly high proportion of natural folic acid and is therefore significant for young animals and pregnant or lactating bitches. Furthermore, Fit-BARF Vital is gluten-free and therefore also suitable as a supplement as part of dietary measures and plans.Composition: wheat seedlings, linseeds, carrot pomace, beetroot, apple pomace, malt rootlets, brewers‘ yeast.Analytical constituents: crude protein 21.4%, crude fat 9.2%, crude fiber 7.1%, crude ash 5.8%, calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.74%.Feeding recommendation: Replace the usual daily amount of vegetables with 4 g/10 kg of body weight. 1 tsp. corresponds to ca. 3 g.

Fit-BARF Sensitive
Fit-BARF Sensitive
Complementary feed for dogs and catsGrain-free vegetable supplement for healthy feeding with raw meat, powderFit-BARF Sensitive is made from gently dried vegetables and herbs that bring not only variety but also balance to the BARF feeding plan. The unique composition of ingredients also makes this product particularly suitable for dogs and cats with allergy and joint problems (grain-free) and can be used perfectly for diet plans (pancreatic, kidney, liver, reduction diets, etc.).In combination with Fit-BARF MicroMineral, Fit-BARF Sensitive provides the optimal basis for healthy feeding with raw meat.Composition: Jerusalem artichoke herb, carrot pomace, beetroot, linseed, black cumin seeds, malt rootlets, brewers‘ yeast, stinging nettle herb, birch leaves, milk thistle herb, dandelion herb, dandelion root.Additifs/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 10 g.The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents: crude protein 7.0%, crude fiber 23.0%, calcium 1.21%, crude fat 5.8%, crude ash 8.6%, phosphorus 0.2%.Feeding recommendation: Replace the usual daily amount of vegetables with 3 g/10 kg of body weight. 1 tsp. corresponds to ca. 2.7 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Essen, Mayonnaise, Ketschup, Kräuterig, Pflanze
Fit-BARF QuerBeet
Complementary feed for dogsTo complement the daily ration with vegetables and fruit in raw feeding, powderFit-BARF QuerBeet is made from quality ingredients to enable a balanced diet with raw feeding. In combination with Fit-BARF MicroMineral thus the basis for healthy barfing is given. By the powder form, Fit-BARF QuerBeet can be very good mixed with the meat and is also a good alternative for dogs who do not like vegetables. Composition: grass, herbs, legume plants, apple pomace, carrot pomace 10%, amaranth 5%, broccoli 5 %, linseed 5%, parsnip, pumpkin 3%, black currant pomace, wheat seedlings, zucchini, elm bark, celery 1.2%Analytical constituents: crude protein 12.0%, crude fiber 19.5%, crude fat 5.0%, crude ash 6.2%Feeding recommendation: Give daily 4 g/10 kg body weight onto the feed. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 2.4 g.

Essen, Ketchup, Mayonaise
Fit-BARF Vegetables (TCVM)
Complementary feed for dogs and cats.Complementary feed vegetable, gastrointestinal, powder formTo supplement the daily ration at raw feeding. Recipe according to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine.Fit-BARF Vegetable (TCVM) is a grain-free alternative and brings not only variety, but also balance in the Barf feeding plan.Unlike Western thinking, food is not only judged by vital substances or their origin, but by their heat effect and the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.Foods as well as herbs are assigned according to their energetic effect, the temperature behavior, the color, the taste and smell of a certain function circle.Jerusalem artichokesChinese point of view: element: earth, thermal: neutral, organ: spleen, stomach, liver, bile, intestineWestern point of view: Vit. A, B1, B6, C, H, manganese, copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc and iron make the Jerusalem artichoke tubercle, in addition to its high inulin content, a valuable ingredient in order not to burden the sugar metabolism too much, and at the same time to promote digestion.CarrotChinese point of view: element: earth, thermal: neutral, strengthen spleen-QiWestern point of view: Carrots contain a high proportion of carotene, biotin, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, B6

herbaBARF Vital
herbaBARF Vital
Complementary feed (liquid) for dogsFeeding-related, long-term support of liver and kidney functionherbaBARF Vital is a unique combination of herbs, fruit, and vegetables. Due to the optimal composition of ingredients herbaBARF Vital contains many vitamins, minerals, and natural plant substances that support both the condition of the digestive organs and are particularly important for the supply of detoxification organs.The secondary plant substances contained herbaBARF Vital, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, can positively support the genetically existing pigmentation on the rhinarium, eyelid edges, lips, and paws, and contribute to strengthening the immune system.long-term support for liver and kidneysmicronutrients from herbs, fruit, and vegetablespromotes a shiny and healthy coatsupports natural pigmentationComposition: fruit vinegar, elderberry juice, beetroot juice, dextrose, ferment cereal liquid, acerola cherry pulp, gingko leaves, stinging nettle herb, artichoke leaves, ribwort plantain leaves, anise seeds, thyme, purple coneflower herb, St. John‘s wortAdditives/kg: Preservatives: lactic acid (1a270) 2 g. Flavouring compounds: ethanol 7.94 g.Analytical constituents: Crude protein 1.0%, crude fiber 1.75%, crude fat 0.8%, crude ash 1.5%, moisture 93%, sodium 0.2%How to use: Shake before use. Add 3-7 ml/10 kg body weight 1 x daily to the feed for at least 6 weeks up to a maximum of 3 months.Store it cool and dark!


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Fit-BARF Repletion Mix
Fit-BARF Repletion Mix

Fit-BARF Vegetable Flakes Triple
Fit-BARF Vegetable Flakes Triple

Fit-BARF Bio-Amaranth flakes
Fit-BARF Bio-Amaranth flakes

Fit-BARF VitalMix
Fit-BARF VitalMix

Fit-BARF VegetableMix
Fit-BARF VegetableMix

Variants from €10.50*
Fit-BARF CerealMix
Fit-BARF CerealMix



Ballaststoffreich und Abwechslung im Napf!
 Flockenmischungen sind die Ideale Ergänzung und sind auch geeignet „wenn es mal schnell gehen muss“!
 Bei einer Flockenmischung muss alles Getreide und Getreideähnliche erst voll aufgeschlossen sein, um vom Fleischfresser richtig verdaut werden zu können. Deswegen achten wir bei unseren Flocken auf besonders schonende Verarbeitung, damit dem Hund die komplette Pflanzenkraft mit Vitaminen, Mineralien und Spurenelementen zur Verfügung steht.
 Flockenmischungen sind zudem meistens sehr Ballaststoffreich und fördern so nicht nur die Verdauung, sie sorgen auch für ein länger anhaltendes Sättigungsfühl.
 Sie liefern zusätzlich eine nachhaltige Energiequelle, ideal für ein energiegeladenes und sportliches Leben.

Verdauung & Immunsystem

Ein starkes Immunsystem beginnt mit einem gesunden Darm. Das Immunsystem ist auf die Gesundheit des Darms angewiesen, liegen doch ungefähr 80% aller Immunzellen im Darm.
 Durch ein geschwächtes Immunsystem können sich Bakterien, Parasiten und Pilze im Körper einnisten und vermehren. Ungeeignetes Futter kann zudem eine Vermehrung der eher ungewollten Mikroorganismen im Darm begünstigen – das Mikrobiom verschiebt sich.
 Eine Folge davon können Krankheiten wie Morbus Crohn, Pankreatitis oder eine Magenschleimhautentzündung sein. Die ursprüngliche Ernährung unserer Vierbeiner ist auf eine hochwertige Nahrung mit hochwertigen Proteinen ohne jegliche künstlichen Zusatzstoffe ausgelegt.
 Durch einen angepassten BARF-Speiseplan kann die Darmschleimhaut bei der Bildung von Antikörpern unterstützt werden.
 Eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit Proteinen, Gemüse, Obst und Ölen liefert alle wichtigen Bausteine für einen gesunden Organismus und ein gut funktionierendes Immunsystem.
 Die richtige Futtermenge reguliert zudem die Kotmenge und vermindert Verdauungsprobleme und Blähungen.
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Fit-BARF Light Diet
Fit-BARF Light Diet

Fit-BARF Repletion Mix
Fit-BARF Repletion Mix

Singulares Colostrum pure
Singulares Colostrum pure

Singulares Bog
Singulares Bog

Singulares Elm Bark (European)
Singulares Elm Bark (European)

Singulares Liquid Peat Bog
Singulares Liquid Peat Bog

Fit-BARF GutFlora
Fit-BARF GutFlora

Fit-BARF GutFlora plus
Fit-BARF GutFlora plus

GutActive Dog & Cat
GutActive Dog & Cat

Kräuterig, Kräuter, Pflanze, Essen, Ketchup
Fit-BARF Psyllium Husks

From €10.95*
Singulares Psyllium Husks
Singulares Psyllium Husks

GutActive plus
GutActive plus

herbaBARF Probiotic
herbaBARF Probiotic


Raw meat can be strange for some dogs at first. To slowly get the dog used to it, the meat can be fed cooked first, with the cooking time gradually being reduced until the dog also eats the raw meat.

Feeding raw meat is safe if you make sure to get fresh, high-quality meat from trustworthy sources. You should also follow hygiene measures when preparing and storing it.

Among other things, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, linseed oil), mineral feed, probiotics (promote intestinal health), glucosamine and chondroitin (support for the joints) and antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C) are beneficial.

The change should be made gradually by gradually replacing the previous food with BARF meals. Observe your dog's reaction to the change in food and adjust the speed if necessary.

When feeding BARF, you should make sure that the need for vitamins, minerals and fatty acids is sufficiently covered. Our mineral mixes (Fit-BARF safe complete, MicroMineral) are specially tailored to the needs of the animals.