Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Flüssiges Ergänzungfuttermittel für Nager zur Versorgung mit wichtigen Vitaminen, Spurenelementen, Aminosäuren und ausgesuchten Kräutern
- Enthält hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe aus Kräutern, Gemüse- und Obstextrakten zur fütterungsbedingten Stoffwechselunterstützung
- Ohne Füllstoffe, ohne Geschmacksverstärker und ohne synthetische Zusatzstoffe
- Mit Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
- Deutsches Qualitätsprodukt direkt vom Hersteller auf rein pflanzlicher Basis
Product information "RodentVital 20 ml"
Complementary feed (liquid) for rodents
Feeding-related support of the liver and kidney function
RodentVital is a unique combination of herbs, fruit, and vegetables. Due to the optimal composition of ingredients RodentVital contains many vitamins, minerals, and natural plant substances that support both the condition of the digestive organs and are particularly important for the supply of detoxification organs.
long-term support for liver and kidneys
micronutrients from herbs, fruit, and vegetables
promotes a shiny and healthy coat
Composition: fruit vinegar, elderberry juice, beetroot juice, dextrose, ferment cereal liquid, acerola cherry pulp, gingko leaves, stinging nettle herb, artichoke leaves, ribwort plantain leaves, anise seeds, thyme, purple coneflower herb, St. John‘s wort
Additives/kg: Preservatives: lactic acid* (1a270) 2 g. Flavouring compounds: ethanol 7.94 g.
*The simultaneous use of different or ganic acids or their salts is contraindi cated where one or more of them is used at or near the maximum permitted content.
Analytical constituents: crude protein 1.0%, crude fiber 1.75%, crude fat 0.8%, crude ash 1.5%, moisture 93%, sodium 0.2%
Feeding recommendation: Shake before use. 3-7 ml/L drinking water or 10-20 drops/100 ml drinking water daily for at least 6 weeks. 10 drops correspond to approx. 0.3 ml.
Store it cool and dark!

Nager & Co.
Whether flying, crawling or swimming - cdVet has a variety of support to offer even for the smallest animals, which have a positive effect on their well-being. Whether birds, rodents, reptiles or fish: to support the health of pets, cdVet has the right nutrition and care concept for every animal.