Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
- Advantages
- Einzelfuttermittel für Tiere aus 100% reinem extrafeinen Eierschalenmehl - ohne Zusätze
- Zum Ausgleich eines erhöhter Nährstoffbedarf in Zeiten von Wachstum, Trächtigkeit & Laktation
- Für die individuelle Zusammenstellung des Speiseplans Ihres Tieres
- Sehr gut verwertbare tierische Kalziumquelle zur täglichen bedarfsgerechten Fütterung
- Zum fütterungsbedingten Ausgleich des hohen Phosporanteils von Fleisch durch natürliches Kalzium
Product information "Singulares Eggshell Powder extra fine 90 g"
Feed material
Natural source of calcium for the demand-oriented supply, powder
Singulares Eggshell Powder extra fine is a readily utilizable animal source of calcium for daily feeding. It provides balance when feeding raw meat by balancing the high phosphorus content of the meat with its natural calcium content. Due to the fine degree of grinding, the product has a high bioavailability.
neutralization of phosphorus excess with predominant meat feeding
for bone-free feeding
as an extra source of calcium in times of increased demand (growth, gestation, lactation)
Composition: eggshell powder 100%
Analytical constituents: crude ash 95.9%, calcium 37.1%
Feeding recommendation: Mix 1.5 g/10 kg body weight daily into the feed. 1 quarter tsp. corresponds to approx. 1.5.
1 g eggshell powder contains approx. 370 mg calcium. The daily requirement of calcium is about 50-90 mg Ca/kg body weight. Gestating and lactating bitches as well as growing puppies need up to 180 mg Ca/kg body weight. If you also feed bones, we recommend reducing the amount.

The S1ngulares brand includes all individual supplements from cdVet. The uniform line is particularly suitable for pet owners who want to tailor their pet's daily menu to their individual needs.
Whether as a supplement to the BARF program or to complement a nutritionally specific diet - S1ngulares offers the highest quality!