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cdProtect Cat forte 4 Capsules

Futterergänzungsmittel für Samtpfoten aus wilden Kräutern für ein wurmfeindliches Darmmilieu

Product information "cdProtect Cat forte 4 Capsules"

Complementary feed for cats

Wild herbs for an intestinal ambience hostile to worms

cdProtect Cat forte was developed for the special nutritional needs that arise in connection with colonization by worms. The lack of herbal ingredients, such as saponins, bitter substances, and tannins, can make our pets susceptible to excessive colonization by worms. In contrast to their conspecifics living in the wilderness, they often do not have the opportunity to absorb those substances through plants and herbs. However with their wild relatives, precisely these substances lead to avoid an excessive, pathological colonization by worms.

In order to have less often a reason for chemical deworming cures (medicine), the animal‘s intestine should therefore be supported with appropriate herbs that are contained in cdProtect Cat forte. Besides of a balanced diet, you can achieve this by the occasional addition of the complementary feed cdProtect Cat forte, which can compensate for the lack of herbal ingredients, such as saponins, bitter substances and tannins. In addition, many specialists for parasitology recommend checking the colonization by worms of the animal by regularly monitoring the faeces samples.

Composition: propolis, peat, pumpkin seeds, male fern herb

Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 10.4%, crude fat 22.3%, crude ash 8.8%, crude fiber 7.7%, ash insoluble in HCl 7%

Feeding recommendation: feed once cats (<5 kg) 1 cap., cats (>5 kg) 2 caps. After 10-14 days feed the same amount again.

cdProtect® Cat forte should be fed in the morning if possible. If cats cannot be allowed outside, free access to the litter box should be guaranteed.

Feeding should be repeated every 3 months.