Complementary feed for pigeonsBasic feeding oil, source of energyCOLUMBAVet Feeding Oil is a blend of high-quality, cold-pressed plant oils. It contains, among other things, a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. alpha-linolenic acid), which are essential fatty acids and perform important tasks in the metabolism and in the area of oxygen supply to the muscles.Thereby, the regeneration of the pigeons is accelerated, and the muscles are protected from overacidification and cramps. At the same time, COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil is a highly concentrated source of energy and supplier of important vital substances that should neither be absent in the breeding nor on the voyage.Composition: linseed oil, evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil, argan oil.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.1%, crude fat 99.6%, crude fiber 0.1%, crude ash 0.2%, methionine 0,0%, lysine 0,0%.Feeding recommendation: depending upon requirem.nt of performance, add 2.5-10 ml per 100 g of feed. Before travelling, add it to the last 3 feedings.After opening, keep refrigerated and dark and use within 6 weeks!
Complementary feed (powder) for pigeonsFor feeding according to needs before and during the moulting periodCOLUMBAVet MoltMix consists, among other things, of high-quality ingredients that contain many of the sulfur-containing amino acids that are urgently needed for the metabolic processes during molting. The contained herbs have an additional detoxifying effect and support the regeneration of the liver. COLUMBAVet MoltMix supports in a natural way a fast moulting process and an optimal structure of the new plumage.Expert tip: COLUMBAVet MoltMix is also suitable for liver support after an administration of medication. Due to the detoxifying effect, it is advantageous to feed a mineral source, such as COLUMBAVet HuminoMineral or COLUMBAVet VulcanoMineral at the same time.Composition: linseed, brewers’ grains, brewers‘ yeast, stinging nettle herb, birch leaf, milk thistle herb, dandelon.Analytical constituents: crude protein 23.7%, crude fat 16.4%, crude fiber 11.1%, crude ash 8.8%, sodium 0.10%, calcium 0.86%, phosphorus 0.52%, lysine 1,05%, methionine 0.37%.Feeding recommendation: 7 g to 1 kg of feed. Tea preparation: 3-7 g to 2 L of hot water. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 5 g.
Complementary feed (powder) for pigeonsFor needs-based feeding in build-up training, breeding, and sportFeed for athletic animals - performance through feedingCOLUMBAVet PowerMix provides the body of the pigeon with valuable herbs, vitamin E, selenium, amino acids, electrolytes, essential fatty acids, and iron. This allows the physiological organ functions and metabolic processes necessary for muscle development and performance to be optimally supplied. COLUMBAVet PowerMix is the optimal support before and during the trip and for faster regeneration after the trip.Recommendation: For mineral supply during the journey, COLUMBAVet VulcanoMineral is additionally advisable.Composition: linseed, brewers‘ grains, hawthorn leaves with blossom, brewers´ yeast, milk thistle herb, birch leaves, stinging nettle herb (ground), gingko leaves, dandelion herb, ginger, dandelion rootAdditives/kg: Nutritional additives: L-lysine monohydrochloride 102 g, L-methionine (3c305) 55 gAnalytical constituents: crude protein 31.2%, crude fat 15.4%, crude fiber 11.5%, crude ash 5.4%, sodium 0.11%Feeding recommendation: 5 g/kg of feed. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 5 g.
Mineral complementary feed (powder) for pigeonsDaily supply of minerals, trace elements, and electrolytesCOLUMBAVet VulcanoMineral is particularly suitable to supply carrier pigeons with the necessary minerals and trace elements during the journey.Since all ingredients come from purely natural sources, they are metabolized very well and do not put additional strain on the liver of the pigeon. Volcanic earth (bentonite) can already intercept toxins in the digestive tract before they burden the organism, thus intestine and liver are being protected.The pigeon goes optimally prepared for the journey. After the trip, the electrolytes contained support a rapid regeneration.binding of toxinsfor more vitality and performance strengthcontains electrolytes for faster regeneration after the flightdoes not contain synthetic vitaminsExpert tip: A disturbed intestinal flora is often another cause of deficiency symptoms. Therefore, a 14-day intensive feeding with COLUMBAVet GutClean for pigeons is recommended.Composition: maerl, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, malt rootles, brewers‘ yeast, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS)Additives per kg: Technological additives: bentonite 1m558i 630 g.The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuffAnalytical constituents: crude protein 3.2%, crude fiber 2.5%, crude ash 75.9%, crude fat 0.4%, ash insoluble in HCl 50.9%, calcium 6.9%, phosphorus 0.1%, magnesium 1.1%, potassium 0.7%, sodium 0.97%, lysine 0.15%, methionine 0.06%Feeding recommendation: 5-15 g/kg feed, moisten with COLUMBAVet Feeding Oil or water. Start 14 days before the trip, during travel time continuously. Maximum amount of COLUMBAVet VulcanoMineral: 31.5 g/kg of complete feedingstuff. 1 tsp. corresponds to ca. 4.75 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided. The simultaneous use with robenidine shall be avoided. The simultaneous use with coccidiostats other than robenidine is contraindicated with level of bentonite above 5000 mg/kg of complete feed.
Mineral feed for birds & exoticsFor the appropriate feeding of ornamental birds and exoticsDaily supply with minerals, trace elements and vitaminsMicroMineral contains 100% pure natural ingredients, which are rich in natural, readily available micronutrients such as minerals, trace elements, vitamins, etc., and because of their herbal origin, don´t burden the detoxification organs further. An optimal natural supply of minerals like calcium, magnesium and a complex of essential trace elements and alginates is thus made possible. By feeding grain feed as sole feed can occurs deficiencies especially at birds which cannot fly free. Synthetic additives cannot remove this deficiencies completely. Thus cdVet MicroMineral for birds should not fail in the daily feeding. As addition to fodder for a natural mineralization and coverage with vitamins. One needs to pay attention to an optimal supply of micronutrients: - while in growth - while molt - while breeding - in stressful situations - for plumage and skin - problems in older animals - for metabolic problems and allergies Possible consequences of trace-element and micronutrient deficiency: - increased loss of plumage- picking of plumage - scabby skin - mat plumage - developmental delays -degeneration of bones and joints - weak immune system - early developing signs of aging - stress susceptibility - eggboundTip of an expert: A disturbed intestinal flora is often another cause of deficiency symptoms. Therefore, a 14-day intensive feeding with GutClean for ornamental birds and exotics is recommended.Composition: maerl, brewers yeast, malt rootles, seeweed meal, grape pips mealAnalytical constituents and levels: calcium 17%, magnesium 1,25%, potassium 0.65% phosphorus 0.25%, sodium 0.65%,ash insoluble in HCl 6.0%Feeding recommendation: daily one pinch upon the feed
Feed material for dogs, cats and other animals.Pure biological argan oil from gentle cold pressing.High content of natural tocopherols (vitamin E), unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols.Pure biological argan oil from gentle cold pressing. Argan oil belongs to the most valuable oils at al, thus it is often called the liquid gold of Morocco as well. It is not only delicious but also very healthy. This is arised of the high part of cell protecting, antioxidant ingredients and a multiplicity of phytoactive substances. Nearly above 80% of the fatty acids are existent in unsaturated form, therefrom appr. 35% linoleic acid. A very high concentration of tocopherol (vitamin E) can strengthen the immunesystem through his antioxidant effect. Argan oil can revitalise the skin and can support its regeneration.Composition: 100% organic argan oil from wild collection.First could-pressing eco-inspection point DE-ÖKO-001 not EU argriculture.Feeding recommendations: Dogs/cats: daily 2-6 drops according to body weight. Horses: daily 2 - 5ml according to body weight.Store in cool and dark place! After opening keep it cool and dark and consume within 6 weeks!
Feed material for dogs,cats, rodents, birds, reptilesPure VIRGIN coconut oil in organic quality, cold-pressedSingulares Organic Coconut Oil is a pure natural product and is gained through gentle, cold pressing. It is characterized by a wonderfully fresh and mild coconut aroma and flavour.It also has a high proportion of valuable MCT - fatty acids (medium-chain fatty acids), and caprine acid, lauric acid, Caprylic acid. Singulares Bio-Coconut oil is up to about 26 ° C and melts at higher temperatures.It is stored at room temperature, protected from light.• In the glas• 100% pure organic coconut oil• 100% natural raw food quality• 100% freshly harvested organic coconuts• not refined, not deodorised, not hardened, not bleachedExpert Tip: Singular Organic Coconut Oil covers the odor of the animal. For that, a pea or hazelnut-sized quantity of coconut oil (depending on the size of the animal) is rubbed in the hands, and then coated over the coat of the animal.Composition: 100% VIRGIN coconut oil.Eco-inspection point DE-ECO-001 not EU argriculture.Feeding recommendation: 2 - 3 times a week 1 teaspoon per 10 kg of body weight.
Feed material for horses, pigeons, dogs, and other animalsEssential fatty acids as a feed building block for the defense force, for allergies, and for coat and skin problemsRich in valuable, natural vitamins and essential fatty acids, Singulares Egyptian Black Cumin Oil provides important feeding building blocks for defense. It is also used to support strong performance requirements. • Egyptian black cumin oil from our own production, cold-pressed • From premium seeds (Nigella sativa), original Egyptian cultivation • High content of unsaturated fatty acids • Feeding-related support of the respiratory tract conditionComposition: 100% Egyptian black cumin oil, cold pressedAnalytical constituents: Average fatty acid content: linoleic acid 56.9%, alpha-linolenic acid 0.3%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Ponies/small horses: 5-10 ml. Large horses: 10-20 ml. Pigeons (in case of increased performance requirements, e.g. before and during breeding, in moulting or before competitions and breed shows): 5-7.5 ml/kg feed. Dogs: 2-6 drops depending on body weight. Rodents/ornamental birds: 1-2 drops.Not suitable for cats !Store it cool and dark! Once opened, use within 6 weeks!
Feed material for horses, pigeons, dogs, and other petsEssential fatty acids as a feed building block for the defense force, for allergies, and for coat and skin problemsRich in valuable, natural vitamins and essential fatty acids, Singulares Organic Egyptian Black Cumin Oil provides important feeding building blocks for defense. It is also used to support strong performance requirements. • Fresh organic black cumin oil from our own manufacture • From premium seeds (Nigella sativa), original Egyptian organic cultivation • High content of unsaturated fatty acids • Feeding-related support of the respiratory tract conditionComposition: 100% pure Egyptian organic black cumin oil, cold pressedFrom controlled organic cultivation. Eco-Control-Center DE-ÖKO-001, non-EU agriculture.Analytical constituents: Average fatty acid content: linoleic acid 56.9%, a-linolenic acid 0.3%Feeding recommendation: Add daily to the feed. Ponies/small horses: 5-10 ml. Large horses: 10-20 ml. Pigeons (in case of increased performance requirements, e.g. before and during breeding, in moulting or before competitions and breed shows): 5-7.5 ml/kg feed. Dogs: 2-6 drops depending on body weight. Rodents/ornamental birds: 1-2 drops.Not suitable for cats !Store it cool and dark! Once opened, use within 6 weeks!
Einzelfuttermittel für Hunde, Katzen und PferdeDas aus Leinsamen gewonnene Singulares Leinöl ist, wie alle cdVet Öle, ein kaltgepresstes Öl in herausragender Qualität. Seine besondere Eigenschaft ist der mit bis zu 57% extrem hohe Anteil an Omega 3 Fettsäuren. Dadurch eignet es sich hervorragend zum Ausgleichen vom Omega 6 zum Omega 3 Fettsäuren Verhältnis. Des Weiteren eignet sich Leinöl als hervorragende Energiequelle nicht nur für Pferde.
Feed materialOriginal VIRGIN linseed oil in organic quality, cold-pressedThe linseed-derived Singulares Organic Linseed Oil is, like all cdVet oils, a cold-pressed oil of outstanding quality (VIRGIN). Its special property is the up to 57% very high content of omega-3 fatty acids. This makes it ideal for balancing omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratios. Singulares Organic Linseed Oil is an excellent source of energy.• Fresh VIRGIN organic linseed oil from our own production, cold-pressed• Free from preservatives or other additives• High content of unsaturated fatty acids• Natural and healthyOur organic linseed comes from sustainable, certified organic agricultureComposition: 100% VIRGIN organic linseed oil.Organic control center DE-ECO-001 Non-EU agriculture.Feeding recommendation: Dogs, cats, rodents, birds, reptiles: 1 teaspoon per 10 kg body weight.Horses: Large horse (600kg LG) 25 - 50ml, smaller breeds and ponies 15 - 30ml.Keep cool and dark after opening and use within 6 weeks!
Feed materialNatural source of vitamin E and A.Singulares Wheat Germ Oil is a pure natural product, promotes nutritionally a shiny hair care by daily use, stimulates the blood circulation, as well as the metabolism and thus increases the well-being. Singulares Wheat Germ Oil is also rich in natural vitamin E.Composition: 100% cold-pressed wheat germ oil.Feeding recommendation: Per 5kg body weight feed daily 1 drop, in the case of damage to the hair care daily 2 drops per 5kg body weightPigeons: 5ml on 1kg of food, for the breeding: beginning 14 days before the mating until after the laying of the last egg 3x per week 24 drops or 8ml on 1kg of foodClose bottle after use! Store in cool and dark place! After opening keep it cool and dark and consume within 6 weeks!
0.05 Liter
(€259.00* / 1 Liter)
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